That Only A Mother by Judith Merril Analysis Essay

What is the author doing by juxtaposing the concrete descriptions of the of-the-moment technological world to the partial descriptions of the new baby?In the story That Only a Mother you can see the author uses elusive details of Henrietta and more concrete descriptions of the technology in the world was intended to slowly reveal or hint at the fact that there is something wrong with the new baby but the mother does not see it or does not want to see it. This also makes the reader only see everything in Margarets view giving the reader the ability to share that oh god moment at the end of the story with the father of Henrietta. The author starts hinting at the possibility that the new baby will have a mutation from the very first page. Margaret gets a letter from her mom who seems concerned that the doctors may have lied and the fact the Margarets husband Hank has been around all that nuclear material. The letter is very vague and does not go into detail of what Margarets Mothers concerns are specifically related to the baby but it does go into detail about Hanks job and how he has worked around Uranium and Thorium.The next section we see Margaret reading the medical news that is talking about children being born with mutations and how most of these could be predicted and prevented. Margret goes on to say that Hank and the others predicted it but they didnt prevent it. In this section again the author goes into detail about the technology of the day and hints at the fact that Margaret is pregnant and that her baby might have mutations but never mentions the pregnancy. Margarets way to work is described as a city setting with the air smelling of factory smoke. The author highlights all the city scenes such as hamburger joints and cigar joints to show the unhealthy living styles and...
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