Ole Miss Luckyday Scholarship Essay Essay

Frank R. Day established the Luckyday Foundation in an effort to helpstudents in Mississippi attend college and complete their degree. Thefollowing quote from Calvin Coolidge was found in Mr. Frank Day's deskat the time of his death in 1999. Nothing in this world can take theplace of persistence. Talent will not nothing is more common thanunsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not unrewarded genius isalmost a proverb. Education will not the world is full of educatedderelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Theslogan press on'' has solved and always will solve the problems ofthe human race.'' In 250 words or less, tell us about a personalpersistence'' experience you have had or witnessed that had an impacton your life.The gun sounds and they are off round the first turn... listening tothe sounds of a track meet, an unusual sound echoed. That of a scream. As I fell to the ground I realized my chance for qualifying was over,during my warm ups my kneecap had dislocated. After months of awhirlwind of emotions and graduating' physical therapy, I began myjourney back to the eight lanes. Don't stop believing'' sounding at445 am as my alarm for track practice would echo I would roll out ofbed to that familiar, motivating noise. Those lyrics propelled me towipe the sleep from my face and walk on to the track.Once on the track, Coach would be there calling out my times of where Ishould be, if I did not hit one I would tell him one more Coach, I'mnot leaving until I make one more.'' Finally prevailing I would be onthe way to school. During the end of my senior cross country season, Igot to step back on the racing line, my knee taped up and ready to go. Though my performance was not grand it was monumental. Six monthsbefore, I could not run at all and now through persistence anddetermination...
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