An Analysis of the Importance of Social Etiquette in the Business World Essay

Table of ContentsImportance of Etiquette..Page 1The Effects of Social Etiquette on the Business World..Page 1How to Conduct Proper Introductionspage 2Effective Telephone Communication is a 3A Thank-You Letter You Last Impressionpage 3Common Courtesy in the Workplace..Page 4Proper Dining Etiquette for the Business Worldpage 5Netiquette and the Business 7Works Cited 12Quiz What Do You Know About Etiquette..Appendix AThe Importance of EtiquetteEtiquette has always been an important part of life, be it social or business. However, it seems that business etiquette is has become more important in the last decade. This is mainly due to the fact that the business world is becoming more global and that relationship selling has become must for success. Etiquette is important for a variety of reasons. It helps to ease what might become and uneasy situation and can make or break business relationships that are worth millions of dollars. In essence, etiquette helps people to understand what is appropriate in any situation. It is also important to know the difference between business protocol and business etiquette. Business protocol determines what actions you take in a situation. Etiquette tells you how to take those actions. According to Ann Marie Sabath, there are a few guidelines that professionals should follow. Firstly, be proactive. Find ways to establish relationships with clients before they need to purchase something from you. Secondly, send a thank-you note. If someone is willing to give you 15 minutes of their time than they deserve a written thank-you. And thirdly, be a good sport. Even if you have been turned down by a client, thank them for giving consideration to your company (Bass, 2000).The Effects of Social Etiquette on the Business WorldThe business world of the past encompasses a predominantly male environment with innate, discerned guidelines. Today, the business arena has changed with the civil rights movement and the entry of women into the workplace. The changes continue to evolve with other sociocultural issues. In order to be...
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