Re-writing Cinderella in the Stepsisters\' Point of View Essay

Our sister Cinderella is such is a goody-two-shoes. Everyone thinks she is so quiet and innocent, but really she is a cruel sister when no one is around. She makes my sister, Drewzilla, and I, clean everything, do all her chores, and make us take care of the animals that live in the walls of our house, they are mostly mice. Cinderella always takes the credit for the work that she makes us do. Our mother even likes her better than us because she believes her lies. Everyday we have to stay in our room all alone while Cinderella went to the balls, interacted with all the good looking men, and even got to have dinner with the Queen, while we are left with scraps. All the pain started when I said, go away and leave my sister and I alone! You are living like a Princess while we are your own personal servants suffering try to keep surviving. Cinderella got really mad and scared and said, you are both one of the ugliest stepsisters I have ever seen. Now go away and leave me to my peace. Then all broke out into warfare. I pushed Cinderella into a wall and said, Do our chores or you will become bloody everyday. Cinderella commanded, No, do my chores or you will not get fed until two weeks has passed by. After that she pushed my sister and I to the floor and started to hit and smack us in the face, which made our noses bleed. I said, you are too ugly to go to the balls. No one would ever dance with a person as ugly as you, no matter how much makeup you put on that will never help out with the situation. She replied with a quick shiver and then took a deep breath and said, Fine I...
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