Similarities between Scout from To Kill A Mockingbird and Anne Frank Essay

If someone were to compare the dialogue and views of Anne Frank from thefamous play The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and AlbertHackett, to Scout Finch, the leading lady in the novel To Kill aMockingbird by Harper Lee, it is very unlikely they would find manydifferences between the two girls. Both are rambunctious, spirited youngwomen with high aspirations and dreams for the rest of their lives. But,both girls are also in situations of prejudice and neither girlunderstands what is going on. It is difficult for the girls to processthe information about their situations, which spikes the curiosity intheir minds. Anne and Scout have very similar thoughts and opinions onprejudice, yet they also have some very distinguishable differences. Being so similar, Scout and Anne are both curious about their situationswith prejudice. For example, as Anne writes in her diary, she wondersabout the Nazis. I asked Father what would happen to them if the Nazisfound out they were hiding us. Pim said that they would suffer the samefate that we would. . . . Imagine!''(791). Anne often asks her fatherabout the Nazis, which shows her curiosity to learn more about why sheis hiding with her family, because she does not fully understand. Atthis point of the play, Anne starts to wonder what might happen if theNazis knew that Miep and Mr. Kraler were hiding Anne and the families inthe Annex, which worries her. She does not understand why the Naziswould take Christian people to the concentration camps, like the Jews. Furthermore, like Anne, Scout is curious about the prejudice she isexperiencing, and the racism. During a conversation with Atticus, Scoutasks her father why he defends a black man, even though people are veryrude to him because of it. She knows black people are not treated thesame as white people, so she has the same opinion as the adults, being achild. Scout was raised in a community in which racism was not uncommon,so she treats the...
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