Percy Shelley's Relationship to Nature in Mont Blanc Essay

Shellys Relationship To NatureIn Mont Blanc by Percy Byssche Shelly, the speaker provides an insight into the uncommon feelings that posses him as e observes the natural world. He writes about these uncommon feelings and how they bond him to nature through his place in the natural world, and the place of nature itself in him and in the world. Finally, Shelly ends the poem with what he learns from nature and his mind as a result.In Stanza 1, Shelly interprets nature in his perspective. He begins the poem by describing the feelings that possess him when he hears the waters of nature. Theres a sense of infinity that overcomes the mind when he uses the words everlasting, forever, and vast to describe things that have life. Shelly starts with the everlasting universe (1) as hes looking at nature and nature becomes a symbol for the universe. There is a feeling of eternity sensed when he compares human thoughts to the sounds of water The source of human thought its tribute brings Of waters,- with a sound but half its own. (5-6). The feeling of infinity continues when he says, Such a feeble brook will oft assume (7). In this line Shelly refers to a feeble brook, that is a human perception that one gets caught up in the huger, turbulent nature, that of the universe. The world becomes too infinite, and theres a feeling of insignificance that overcomes the human mind and soul.In the second stanza, Shelly continues to experience these uncommon feelings with nature as hes in a trance. The trance Shellys in, remotes a feeling of wonder, eternity and death when he says, With the clear universe of things around One legion of wild thoughts, whose wandering wings Now float above thy darkness, and now restWhere that or thou art no unbidden guest, (40-43). Theres a sense of eternity when he mentions the universe of things around us, a feeling that we...
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