Summary of Don\'t Call Me Ishamel Essay

Don't Call Me Ishmael is filled with lots of examples of bullying. Atfirst Ishmael blames himself for the bullying but as the story continueshe realizes that Barry is the problem. The affects of bullying on thecharacters in the book vary but include feeling worthless,insecure,angryand upset. As well some other affect of Barry's bullying make Ishmaelhate his name and make Bill Kingsley very disappointed. These charactersand Ishmael are bullied verbally by Barry hiding their belongings,breaking their things,taking their lunch and teasing them about therename. They are also physically abused by bumping,pushing and shovingthem. The affects of bullying on these characters varied but includefeeling worthless,insecure,angry and upset. However the book shows thatbullying can be over come and Ishmael eventually does just that.In Don't Call Me Ishmael', Ishmael get's bullied frequently and is themain target for Barry and his crew. There is a fair amount of incidentswhere Ismael is bullied. One time when Barry in front of the whole classsaid to Ishmael you have a Wussy Crap Name' afterwards he quoted Istood there like a wuss. I felt like crap'' thats how Barry makesIshmael feel. When Ishmael gets bullied by Barry he feelssad,upset,insecure and worthless. Eventually Ishmael with the assistanceof James Scobie and Razza over comes bullying and stops taking it toheart. This is proven when Ishmael is asked to do a speech at thetraditional end-of-year AssemblyMassPrize-givingExtravaganza thingy''and was going to get up and say we pray that Barry Bagsley learns toleave people alone and stop bullying them'' this made Barry scared.James Scobie shows how to overcome bullying as soon as he enters thestory. James is one of the people who Ishmael learns off on how toovercome bullying and shows Barry he is not going to put up with it.One of the reasons that James Scobie wasn't scared of Barry was becauseJames had been faced with the scariest thing of all DEATH!''. WhenJames was younger he had a Brain Tumor and he was going...
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