Peter Oborne\'s A Royal Salute to the Commonwealth Essay

The Commonwealth was founded after the Second World War ended, and the British Empire with all its colonies was broken up. The organization consists of 54 independent member countries that are linked together by a common history and set of values. By time the Commonwealth has been criticized for being an out-dated and meaningless organisation based on oppressive values. In The article A royal salute to the Commonwealth from 2011, Peter Oborne, who is a British journalist and political commentator, responds to the critique and gives answers to the question of what an important and powerful role the Commonwealth will play in the future. Furthermore he expresses his support and tries to force the reader to take a stand.Peter Obone takes his starting commentary on Duke William and Duchess Kates first visit to Canada. Obone followed them on their royal holiday when they visited Canadas National War Memorial, which is a memorial for the Canadian troops during the First World War and the Second World War, where they fought alongside with the British soldiers. To Oborne, this vent is the perfect occasion to revive an old debate about the Commonwealth. Oborne believes that this event proves the two-countries solidarity, which is due to the Commonwealth union. In this article, Oborne expresses his support of the Commonwealth union and tries to convince us that we must maintain the Commonwealth association although unions like New Labor, with Tony Blair in the lead, does not value British history or the cohesiveness that the solidarity brings along. Because of the countries shared past, Oborne thinks that the countries have an unbreakable bond. Therefore, it is important for Great Britain to continue having a good relationship with the other countries in this union. Due to the economic crisis, the USA and the EU are strained. According to Oborne this crisis will result in a worldwide redistribution of power. This crisis will mark the end of the EU and the USA,...
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