Samneric Definition Essay

Samneric Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies, is an illusive example of human behavior. His characters range from the mild and intelligent Simon, to the aggressive and fierceful Jack. In-between are such characters as Ralph, Piggy, and the littluns. By developing these three groups of characteristics, we can categorize most human traits. Yet some exceptions exist. Not all human characteristics can possibly be classified into only these three categories. Samneric fall under these exceptions. And so, we make for them their own category, people who allow themselves to be caught up in fear and hysteria. Numerous examples exist throughout history of people who fall under the Samneric category. The most commonly known is the good Germans. In like manner of Samneric, the good Germans allowed themselves to go against their natural good instincts for fear of unbearable consequences. In the early 1940s, when Hitler was in power, Germany was divided. Several people rebelled against Hitlers ideas of the ideal society and most of the rest became known as the good Germans. These people were mockingly called the good Germans because they did not rebel or put up a fight. They just went along with what they were ordered to do in pure uncertainty of the consequences. Whether or not they believed what their government was doing was right, they were loyal in fear the tables would turn and their government would be against them. From the beginning to the end of Lord of the Flies, there are countless examples where Samneric illustrate the personality and behavior of the good Germans. Chapter six gives a significant example of how Samneric and the good Germans are alike. Page ninety-six reads, But they could never manage to do things sensibly if that meant acting independently. Comparable to Samneric, the good Germans did not act independently, but as a whole society. In order to be a good German, one must not act individually, but act only for the...
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