Reflections on the Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice Essay

Bobby HrickoMr. YasinskasEnglish II, 720 November 2012Reflections on the Myth of Orpheus and EurydiceThe myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, which is a tragic myth, was chosen for this essay not because of sentimental feelings for the popular conception of love present between Orpheus and Eurydice, but for the unique circumstances of the myth, the talent of Orpheus, the aspect of true love present, and the realistic conclusion of the story. (Core 21) (Core 4)The myth begins with the birth of Orpheus to Apollo, the god of the sun and music, and to the Muse Calliope, an inspirer of the arts. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Orpheus was a wonderful musician. Whether he sang or played the lyre, his music was so powerful and beautiful that even trees and rocks were influenced by it. One day he met a beautiful woman named Eurydice, and after a period of courting they realized that they loved each other very much, and became married. It was predicted, however, that their marriage would not last. This held true when Eurydice was fatally bitten by a snake in the woods while fleeing from Aristaeus, a shepherd who wanted her as his wife. Orpheus was extremely distraught, and wandered the earth for a long time before attempting to visit the Underworld in order to bring Eurydice back. His music was so sad and powerful that it enabled him to get past Cerberus, the dog guarding the Underworld, and also to persuade Hades to let Eurydice go. The condition was that Orpheus could not look at Eurydice until they reached the upper world. This was quickly met, of course, and they started out. Orpheus looked, however, whether by accident or distrust is uncertain, and Eurydice returned to the Underworld forever. Orpheus was absolutely devastated, and though he tried, he was unable to reach the Underworld again. He broke off contact with humans completely, and wandered in the wilderness singing mournfully. He...
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