Runaway Love by Ludacris Essay

One of the best songs of Ludacris is Runaway love feat Mary J Blige. This song is about three girls that decided to run away from home. Each one of the three verses of athe songis telling the troubles in the lives of threerunawayfemalepreadolescents a nine-year-old named Lisa, a ten-year-old named Nicole, and an eleven-year-old named Erika each ending up running away to escape from their problems. My first reaction to this song was surprising and unusual because I never thought that Ludacris could make a song like this. I was surprised because Inoticed that the subject of violence against women had already been addressed in previous hip-hopsongs but not like Ludacris did in his song. In the first verse of the song where explain the life of Lisa. A nine-year-old girl, who had never met her family or father, has a mother who is addicted to drugs and brings home men at different hours of the night. When her mom is knocked out from the drugs, the men that her mother brought home go to Lisa's room and molest her, hitting her whenever she resists. Lisa tries to explain this to her mom but her mother does not believe her. Therefore, she decided to run away from home. It really surprised me because lately female pre-adolescents are being abuse sexual, emotional and physical. In addition, sometimes the harassment starts at home by their parent and friends. For me it was unusual to see a hip-hop artist doing something different besides the classic booty shake kind of song. The whole song is about the life of three girls, who decided to run away from home because of their problems....
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