Should Sagging Pants Be Banned? Essay

Saggy pants have been a fashion trend thats lasted for the last 10 years. Three out of every five kids have their pants hanging below their waist line. Generally, shaggy pants have been found in boys in rural areas, but females have also been seen wearing their pants low. But, many of the youth have failed to realize that shaggy pants originated from prison. In prison if an inmate had his pants hanging low it was a sign that he was sexually available. Many young adults and teenagers have been following this trend to fit into the pop hip-hop culture. This tendency has upset parents all over, many parents find slouchy pants as being publicly unacceptable. Along with parents, lawmakers have found this fashion trend to be an act of public indecency. Lawmakers plan to ban hanging pants as soon as possible. However, local government legislate should not be able to dictate the youths sense of style.The music industry and media have a large influence on how people dress. For example, if little Wayne (a popular rapper from Louisiana) decided to wear three watches to the Music Television awards young people everywhere would copy his new fashion trend. Just like wearing your pants low, media icons and role models have influenced members of the youth to perpetrate their fashion.Every individual is different from each other. Everyone has their own thoughts, their own likes, dislikes, and wants. When young children begin to grow up from a child into a teenager, they go through a rebellious stage. In this stage kids usually break social norms. Kids engage in activities like getting tattoos, body piercings, and questionable fashion statements. All these tendencies occur because, kids want independence from their parents, and they want acceptance from their peers, and other reasons. If local government legislate dictated how young people dressed it would take away from the development of a child into a teenager, when the kids are in the...
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