Similarities and Differences Between Egyptians and Kushites Essay

Egyptians versus Kushites The Egyptians and the Kush are one of the worlds most powerful civilizations in the world. They have many similarities along several differences. The ancient civilization of Egypt and the forgotten kingdom of Kush are both wondrous. The marvelous times of both these civilizations will be informed and intrigued for similarities as well as differences. Clearly, these two kingdoms are a marvel to gaze at. The kingdom of Kush and Egypt are similar in a copious amount of ways. For example, Egypt co-existed with the ancient pyramids as burial places. Miraculously, the Kushites also survived for a certain amount of time with these magnificent pyramids, too. The Kushites lived on the Nile River and it gave them a chance to live. As for the Egyptians, they relied on the Nile for a source of life, too. These two magnificent civilizations put their birthplaces on the continent, Africa. In conclusion, these two kingdoms are very similar. Moreover, these two civilizations are different in many ways. The Egyptians fought a war over the resources because they assumed that ancient Kush were getting richer by trade of goods. For that reason, Egypt lead an unforeseen attack against Nubia, setting them in a perilous state. Kushites would never do that to Egypt for any reason. Also, the cities in each of these civilizations were different in several ways. For starters, Kushs cities were very advanced. They had many houses and promoted free water wells. Unlike Kush, Egypt had a massive army and was one of the most powerful civilizations in the world. To sum it up, Egypt and Nubia promoted many differences. The Kushites and...
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