Psychology and Mental Illness in the Movie, Benny and Joon Essay

In the movie, a mechanic named, Benny Pearl is devoted to taking care of his younger, mentally ill sister, Joon. Benny has been Joons primary care taker ever since their parents had passed away in a car accident. Even though Benny works a full time job, his sister is his number one priority and he accepts not being able to live a normal life. Bennys favourite pastime was playing poker with his friends. While at one of these poker games, Joon had lost which resulted in them taking home the winners cousin. Since Joon no longer has a full time nanny to stay with her while Benny is away at work, Sam becomes her care taker. Eventually Sam and Joon fall in love and it results in them living their lives together in their own apartment while Benny finally gets to live his life freely. Throughout the film, there were multiple connections to the content being taught in class. To start off, Joons schizophrenic outbursts consist of hallucinations and delusions which cause her to scream and get very upset. This behaviour much resembles the behaviour of the boy in the short film we had watched in class. Both Joon and the boy in the short film had delusions and hallucinations causing panic and fear. Also, during the scene where Benny was getting ready to go to his poker game, he was trying to convince Joon to tag along with him but Joon does not like to associate with others because of her disorder. Her schizophrenia causes her to be closed off which resembles a trait that many schizophrenic people have. Towards the end of the movie, Joon and Sam decide to try and run away to start their lives together but since she did not take her medication, she has an outburst of yelling and crying. Without her medication, Joons illness causes her to have a break from reality, which makes her condition psychotic. After...
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