Personal Statement for Pepperdine Law School Essay

The Lord has given me a duty, a duty to abide by His laws and follow the moral code. In return, he has rewarded me with various Christian values, allowing me to mold into my distinct individuality. I was given the wisdom to understand the significance of my thoughts and actions and recognize the true values through my life experiences. Through acts of worship, I was taught thankfulness, where I was given the strength to forgive. Through testing and discouraging situations, I was enlightened by hope and placed my confidence not only in the Lord, but also within myself. Through acts of agreement, I was taught that serenity is unreachable without patience. Through these moral values, I have blossomed into the woman I have strived to be, therefore it is my mission as a Christian Leader to pass on these same values to my community. As the law formulates guidelines for the pursuit of justice, so does the Lord, as He has shown me that the righteous cares about the fairness for all. Pepperdine School of Law embodies the values that best reflect myself as a passionate faithful leader. I hold myself to the highest moral and virtuous standards therefore I must attend a University that complies with what I stand for, as Pepperdine does. My ethical beliefs are derived from the first branch of Christianity, Orthodox, which in turn has continued to lead me towards my calling. My calling that feels so far, yet so close. So far that it almost feels unreachable, but so close because what I desire is reachable. I make no pretense in changing the world, but with my passion and commitment, I am destined to do something much larger than myself. As it is an honor to be a part of such a historic branch, I believe it is now an obligation to take these values and convey them to the student body of Pepperdine School of Law. Mission...
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