Political Allegory in George Orwell's Book The Animal Farm Essay

None Excellent Political Allegory In The Book Animal Farm 'Ideas play a part in any revolution, conflicting ideas is main reason why Revolutions happens. ' This is the platform that George Orwell used in his book ' Animal Farm'. The political allegory in the story is mocking the Revolution that changed 'Russia' into the 'USSR'. This was the workings of Karl Marx. Marx was known for being politically inspired by one idea. Marx wanted it to be that one class, the working class, and against another class, the rich or higher class. The Revolution was started by men who believed with Karl Marx's theory that the history of the world was the history of a struggle between classes between oppressors and oppressed. This happened in the book 'Animal Farm by George Orwell' Orwell uses this example to base his book on. He makes the characters personify the major players in the Russian Revolution. Orwell uses this to form a well written piece of literature. In 'Animal Farm' The Democratic society led by Mr. Jones the original leader of Manor Farm was overthrown by a policy called Animalism. Animalism was a theory concocted by the Old Major a Pig. In 'Animal Farm' the pigs were personified as the smartest and the best among animals. The Pigs take control of the farm. The two major idealists Snowball and Napoleon have conflicting ideas. These ideas break snowball away from the rest of the group and make him leave Animal Farm. This lets Napoleon have total control. They set up a set of rules called the seven commandments. In the beginning everyone followed these rules such as no animal may kill another animal, no animal is better than another animal. This makes the leader Napoleon want to break the rules so he makes him and his fellow pigs more special, eating all the good food, wearing clothes, living in the farmhouse, and not working. As...
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