School Uniforms Can Keep Students Safe and Eliminate Focus on Factors Not Related to Studying Essay

Uniform, it means a distinctive outfit intended to identify those who wear is a member of a specific group. Students should wear a uniform so that the school can become a group that every student can be allowed to be a member of. So that they can all unite and form a community. If kids feel that they belong to that community, they would cut down on worrying about popularity or about having trendy or up to date clothes. They would learn to look on the inside rather than on the outside of their classmates. Kids would also cut down on splitting in to the have and the have-not groups. This would lead to the not so rich kids to stop worrying about their clothes. The main fact is that uniforms can aid in eliminating the focus on other things, and maybe start focusing on their studies and on receiving the proper education. When it comes down to things receiving an education is why were in school for in the first place, not for fashion reasons. Safety in schools is a major issue these days. Vandalism, fighting, gangs, and intruders are just a few factors that make schools unsafe. Uniforms help in aiding this problem. When the Long Beach, California district passed the mandatory uniform policy, the only results that came out of it where good ones. Fighting decreased 51, sex offenses decreased 74, weapons offenses decreased 50, assaults and battery offenses decreased 34, and vandalism decreased 18. These are remarkable results, and if uniforms helped to achieve them then I say school uniforms should be worn by every student. Theft of expensive clothing is another issue that comes up. In many public schools this is what happens. If we were to all wear a uniform than there wouldnt be stealing of brand name clothes because everyone would be wearing the same thing, helping the school become safer. Intruders is another topic that comes up....
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