Parental Enmeshment in Song of Solomon, a Novel by Toni Morrison Essay

Response to Critical Essay Anaconda Love Parental Enmeshment in Toni Morrisons Song of SolomonThe critical essay by Gary Storhoff discusses the origins of the psychological issues of Macon, Pilate and Ruth which leads to the parental enmeshment towards their children. The essay is separated into three parts, each section focusing on Macon and Pilate, Ruth, and Milkman, respectively. The arguments he sought to make made Macon not the villain that the novel characterizes him as and erases innocence that has been created for Ruth. The explanation behind Pilate and Macons enmeshment is because they seek to recreate their lost paradise, Lincolns Heaven. They also have acquired traits from their murdered father. One sibling attains one half while the other acquires the rest, also explaining their sibling rivalry. Macons trait of self-aggrandizement creates his need for authority over others Pilates trait of self-denial creates her showering of love for her daughter and granddaughter. Ruths section discusses her realization of power in her submissiveness. Her ability to control Macon and Milkmans actions by playing the role of an ignorant, helpless woman, she can make Macon lose his violent temper, Milkman jump to her rescue, and make the reader feel sympathy for her. Milkmans section discusses his acceptance of his parents psychological underdevelopment and finding a balance between pleasing them and finding the freedom he desired throughout the novel.I feel that the essay was convincing and was thoroughly applicable to some of the discrepancies and ambiguity in the text. It offers a psychological view of the text that changes the perspective of the reader. Rather than accepting Macon as the villain, it makes me feel Ruth is the true villain in the novel. She denied Macon of his recreated Lincolns Heaven, manipulates the feelings of her husband, sister in law, daughters and son, and cons the reader into thinking she is the victim. Macon is still...
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