Symbolism Used by Emily Dickinsonin the Poem Because I Could Not Stop for Death Essay

In the poem, Because I could not stop for Death'' by Emily Dickinson,Dickinson shows symbolism multiple times throughout her poem. BecauseDickinson's father died this inflicted much pain on Dickinsontherefore, she chose to symbolize and write about death in her poems.Also, Dickinson barely left her house during the last ten years of herlife therefore, she isolated herself from society and chose to writeabout death and darkness due to her father's death. Because ofDickinson's personal agony that was inflicted upon her, she expressesthis through symbolism in her writing. Emily Dickinson uses symbolism multiple times in this poem. At thebeginning of the poem, Emily states, Because I could not stop forDeath-He kindly stopped for me-The Carriage held but just ourselves- AndImmortality'' (426). What Dickinson is saying is that because deathwasn't upon her yet, death quickly and unsuspectedly took her away foreternal life therefore, she will live in immortality in heaven.Although Dickinson does not state exactly what I interpreted above, sheused symbolism to state what I interpreted to help the reader grasp theconcept in a deeper meaning. Because symbolism helps the reader grasp the material better, Dickinsondemonstrates this through out her poem. Dickinson professes, We passedthe school, where children strove At Recess- in the Ring- We passedthe setting Sun-'' (427). Dickinson talks about the school she used to attend, her friends that went there, and Recess time therefore,as she was dying her life flashed before her eyes, and she began todaydream about all of her past memories. Then, Dickinson says she passedthe setting sun symbolizing the end of her life because when the sungoes down they day is over, so her life was over. Dickinson grabs thereader's attention more easily because she displays symbolism varioustimes in her poem. ...
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