Stockholm Syndrome in Bel Canto by Ann Patchett Essay

Hostage situations are very traumatic to most people yet a hand full of people begin developing emotions toward the captors. In the novel Bel canto by Ann Patchett, terrorists invade and hold hostages at an opulent party thrown by Katsumi Hosakawa a head of an electronics company. Stockholm syndrome is when hostages begin feeling positive emotions toward their captors due to the lack of abuse given to them. The articles the birth of Stockholm syndrome 40 years ago by Christopher Klein and the Stockholm syndrome process both show signs and situations where Stockholm syndrome has occurred. The characters in Bel Canto are suffering cases of Stockholm syndrome.A character that is suffering from Stockholm syndrome is Gen Wantanabe, a translator at the party. He begins to love Carmen, a terrorist from the terrorist group that is holding them hostage throughout the book gen begins to feel affection towards an armed terrorist. Gen agrees to give her lessons in writing and reading, in Spanish, in the china closet, at first gen feels some affection but as the book progresses they begin feeling a love connection. Though Gen believes that he and Carmen are truly in love, its Stockholm syndrome at its finest. Gen mistakes the lack of abuse and the lessons he gives Carmen as a sign of friendship. According to the Stockholm syndrome process the captor slowly seems less threating more an instrument for survival and protection than one of harm. The prisoner undergoes what some call self delusion in order to survive psychologically as well as physically- to lessen the unimaginable stress of the situation- the prisoner comes to truly believe that the captor is her friend, that he will not kill her, that in fact they can help each other get out of this mess (the Stockholm syndrome process). Like in Gens case he begins to believe that Carmen is his lover, and with Carmens help they can both get out of...


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