Research on How to Become a Physician Assistant to a Dermatologist Essay

Career Research EssayUnderstanding how to maintain healthy skin and learning about different skin diseases has always been a passion of mine. For many years, I have been intrigued by the field of dermatology and have often envisioned myself having a career in this industry. Ranked after Neurology and Cardiology, Dermatology is the third most difficult field to become a physician. Since the field is so competitive, I have interest in becoming a physicians assistant working in a dermatology clinic. In order to learn more about the role of a physicians assistant with an emphasis in dermatology, I have conducted my research in the field of Dermatology, Physician Assistants and then focused on Dermatology PA.Margaret, Parsons. "Balance in Practice." 01 Oct 2013 1-4. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. httpwww.aad.orgdwin-practiceTo begin my research, I studied the website, which explained the general information about dermatology as the science of caring for the skin, hair and nails. Furthermore, the site provided a detailed description of a Dermatologist and their role in the care and treatment of patients with health issues. It referenced over 3,000 diseases that Dermatologist try to assist and find ways to improve their appearance. One area of the website revealed that the field is broader than just Dermatologist. Additional information regarding Cosmetic Dermatologist, Dermatopathologist and Pediatric Dermatologist were also reviewed. This shows the reader that there are options for one to consider when deciding on the field of their interest. The next topic discussed on this website was how to become a Dermatologist. The requirements to become a Dermatologist, internships and residency programs were listed in this section. Furthermore, the site provided detail about dermatology residency and the surgical procedures learned during this process. The last topic covered on this website was regarding fellowship in dermatology. If doctors continue their medical studies after completing their residency, a list of possible fellowship areas in dermatology were provided and information about each area....
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