Teen Peer Pressure in the Play FUN, Howard Korder Essay

Young kids today are subject to much greater peer pressure than they were even fifteen to twenty years ago. This play titled FUN, by Howard Korder, was written in 1987, and takes place in an industrial town where there seems not be a lot to do to occupy young teenagers. As you can tell from the first line and the language used, Denny does not seem too terribly happy. I think this line suggests boredom, lack of manners and a general lack of respect for anyone, even for friends. As we go through and discuss the play, think about and ask yourselves what choices you have in your life right now, and how those could lead to your life goals, or not lead to your life goals. In scene one, you can determine right away that Denny is not a good influence on Casper. Of the two, Denny seems to be the leader and Casper the follower. Denny doesnt think twice about skipping school or his parents wondering where he is, but you get the sense of a little resistance or reluctance on Caspers part to go along with the idea of skipping school or leaving when his mother is not home. So, we can establish that Casper has the greater conscience. In scene two, Casper and Denny are underneath a bridge and are finding a lot of trash. One car happens to throw something out of the window, and they scream at the car to pick up their trash. First of all, their language is awful, and in the adult world, probably wouldnt gain them a lot of respect. Notice how they talk about their cars have air conditioning, and they have cruise control and they...
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