Reflecting on Helen Farries' Magic of Love Essay

What is Magic of Love? It defines Magic as art. Love is simply too valuable to lose. It's the motivation and the reason for living. Who experienced that kind of love,givesmagic feeling for your partner. It's easy to say those words, and easy to read them but its hard to get the real love you wish to be. When I read the Magic of Love byFarries. I felt every single word she had written. Almost she described my feeling in little words. Its faith, optimism, and emotion. Farries states, Like a star in the night, it can keep your faith bright (I. 5).On other words the love like something above you, and it has power on your faith.When I was alone, I felt lost. I really did not believe of happiness. Everyone has own life. I did not care about anything, because nothing valuable in my life. Before I met my wife, my life was boring, and nothing interesting in it. I can say that no future and no hope.After I found my soul, my life became different. I care of my life now, Im trying to make her happy all the time happy wife happy life In Magic of Love Farries shows the reader the optimism of love in her poem.She said When love lights the way, there is joy in the day (I. 9). To put it another way,When love comes in your life, it brings the enjoyment in every single day from your life.This poem really described my life in every moment I live. When I was in Paris, I met my wonderful wife for the first time. That day my heart was empty before I met her. I felt like lost in crowd. I left my hotel, and I walked in Paris streets. No specific direction, then I found my way to hope, to happiness, I found my dream girl.Farries described emotional experience through her poem....
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