Should Bull's Eye Shooter Supply Be Held Morally Responsible for the Murders Committed Using Illegal Firearms from Their Supply Essay

The Key issue in this case is that whether Bulls Eye Shooter Supply should be held morally responsible for the case of murder of those who used firearms from Bulls Eye Shooter Supply, especially Muhammad and Malvo. Even though they are not directly involved in any kind of planning or assaulting act, but the fact both killers obtained their firearms from them without any legal permit shows that Bulls Eye Shooter Supply does not comply with the gun laws. The transaction file of the semiautomatic assault rifle purchased by both killers and other 238 firearms cannot be found in the Bulls Eye Shooter Supplys documentation, which proves that they all involved in illegal trading. Knowing that, Bushmaster Firearms Inc., a gun manufacturer, still supplies Bulls Eye Shooter Supply with its product. The wife of the victim claimed that both companies share the responsibility for her husbands death and many others.Therefore, the main arguments to held the gun supplier and manufacturer responsible areThe company failed to investigate their dealer record thoroughly.The company failed to monitor how its dealer selling its guns.The company failed to provide training for its dealer to comply with gun laws.It is confirmed that the dealer was involved in illegal firearms trading.Kantian theory is based on a moral principle called categorical imperative, which means that everyone should be treated as a free person equal to everyone else. With this, the first formulation to question moral direction is based on two conceptsUniversalizability What will happen if everyone else doing the same thing as the accused?Reversibility Will the defense still the same if the accused was standing on the other side?The second formulation of Kants categorical imperative is that never to use anyone as instrument to advancing one own benefit while disregarding others choices and interests. The fact that humans have dignity should make them immune to objectification. If we disclose this even further, we can get these two pointsRespect others freedom by treating them...
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