The Use of a Six Sigma Quality Control Strategy to Improve Overall Quality of Salem Press Essay

Reference publisher Salem Press serves high schools, public libraries,colleges universities all over the U.S. Upon purchase, customers have theoption to add processing to their order which includes preparing the booksfor the library along with free database access. Recently, there has beenan increased number of defects in producing and delivering products. Toimprove overall quality of Salem Press, a Six Sigma quality controlstrategy can be implemented to boost productivity, logistics, and customersatisfaction.Quality Control During the quality movement, there were several methods created toassist with quality control. Three of the more popular quality controlmethods are ISO 9000, Six Sigma, and Lean Each method has unique qualitiesand methodologies. For example, the Lean method focuses on maximizingcustomer satisfaction while lowering costs. Lean Enterprise Institute(2015) states,"The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through aperfect value creation process that has zero waste." (para. 2). The Leanmethod is ideal for organizations that have a heavy focus on customer valuethat need to lower their resources. Similar to Lean, the ISO 9000 method also cares deeply about customersatisfaction. The ISO 9000 has three main principles including customerfocus, upper-management participation, and continuous improvement (ISO,2012). The ISO 9000 method has strong principles but is not suited forSalem Press because it would not help with monitoring logistics and doesnot fit the publishing industry. The ISO 9000 has systems geared sectors ingas, medical, software engineering, and government organizations (ISO,2012). Unlike ISO, the Six Sigma method takes a statistical approach andprovides competitive advantage. Kerzner, 2013 discusses the implementationof the Six Sigma strategy, "involves the issue of statistical tools withina structured methodology for gaining the competitive edge needed to createproducts and services better, faster, and less expensive than thecompetition" (p. 1055). The Six Sigma strategy uses statistics to see whichareas need to be improved and provide quality products with a competitiveadvantage. The method strives for...
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