A Study on the Three Main Strengths and Success Factors That Enable a Company to Keep a Sustainable Development in the Intense Competition Essay

There are basically three main strengths and success factors that enable the company to keep a sustainable development in the intense competition and reach its goals. The first one is its which are its diverse portfolio of products supported by strong brands. Its diverse portfolio of products provides customers more choices and strengthen its market power. Moreover, brands mean trust. Consumers are more likely to trust BG Foods, Inc. because it has strong brand image. Suppliers are more willing to provide raw materials to the company because they feel more safety about the strong company brands. The substantial manufacturing capabilities and co-packaging arrangements is another strength of BG. It operates nine manufacturing facilities which are mostly located near its major customer markets and raw materials. This part of the strength enables the company to manufacture products efficiently with substantial quantities. Moreover, the company outsources a significant portion of its products under co-packing arrangements form third parties. Outsourcing gives the company the flexibility and ability to concentrate on its core business, leverage its key resources, and do even better what it already does best. It enables the company to sale more kinds of food products and be familiar with the production of these products that it may have never produced. The co-packaging arrangement supports the company to pursue high-efficiency production and cost-effective manufacturing of products through allocating and managing productive sources.BG Foods, Inc.s strong financial performance is another key success factor. The company is growing rapidly and its revenues and profits increased in its fiscal year 2015. It recorded revenue of 966.4 million for the fiscal year 2015, which increased 14 from its fiscal year 2016. Strong financial performance provides BG with financial flexibility. It also makes it easy for the company to receive sufficient funding to support its growth opportunities for the future.The companys management also think there a particular risk that the company should pay attention to. The first one is the consumers increasingly...
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