The Business Tactics to Attract Shoppers During the Holyday Shopping Season Essay

Holiday shopping is a stressful time of the year. Usually beginning on Black Friday and extending through Christmas, stores try to have a variety of tactics to get customers into their doors and away from their competitors. As Christmas becomes ever closer, stores begin to use tactics for the procrastinators that might have just started shopping. Some of these tactics include using social media to target their customer directly, offering free shipping and extending store hours. People respond to the incentives that stores offer during the holiday season. Incentives such as offering free shipping, and extended store hours will all get more customers into different stores and opening their wallets. By offering free shipping, a website will probably get more orders than a website that is charging their normal shipping fees. Similar to this, by having extended store hours, a store will most likely attract more customers in a day than a store that closes at its normal time. The busy holiday season and the emphasis that is put on it influence the choices of consumers and the incentives that are offered to them. As the date of Christmas inches nearer and nearer, procrastinators know that stores still want their money, and therefore will tailor specific incentives to them as a customer. Businesses are able to create wealth through voluntary trade. On certain incentives such as free shipping, they are giving up the money that could have been made on charging for shipping. Businesses do this in the hope that it will attract more customers to their site, and thus will create a larger profit for them. The consequences of the hectic holiday season lie in the future. Each year, it will probably become increasingly frantic and stores will continue to offer these types of incentives, not only to increase customers but also to compete with other businesses who are offering similar incentives. The choices that stores are making this year involve a cost....
