An Analysis of the Strategy and Organizational Development Program of the ANZ Banking Group Essay

1. Analysis of ANZ Banking group and their strategyStrategic plans of ANZ Banking group are mainly oriented on Expansion toSouth East Asia region, and strenghten position in home market of Australiawith more than 6million customers and New Zeland with 50 of populationusing their services. As well company continues to develop operations fromtheir offices in main financial centres - London and New York.Main startegic priorities of ANZ are 1. Sustainable development. 2. Diversity Inclusions. 3. Financial inclusion Capability.Company is maintaining strategy of being superregional bank, with aim togrow Asian earnings up to 25 - 30 by 2017. Company grows complaxity ofservices provided to customers and it aims to simplify movement of capitalbetween main regions of operations.Company grows its influence in Asia by acquisition of regional banks, mostsignificant in 2009 when it acquire assets of Royal Bank of Scotland. Since2012 is ANZ group one of leading superregional banks in Asian and Pacificregion. 2.Consult with relevant groups and individuals to profile theorganisation's culture and readiness for organisational development.Company is ready for hange as it already expeand to foreign markets withambition to become superregional bank. This international ambitions arealready first step to further development which is planned. 3. Key staff responsible for Organisation Development.Staff responsible for implementation of this Organisation development planis divided to 3 different levelsLevel 1. - Branch managers, which are responsible for employees inbranches, or in offices, weather it is retail offices or IT centres, theyare responsible to implment plan to subordinated individuals. Theirresponsibility is greatest as they need to suit plan to specificcharacteristics of each individual employee.Level 2. - RegionalCountry managers. This managers implement plan in argerscale, and they shift implementation to branchoffice managers. Regionalmanagers are responsible to suit plan for certain region with applying tolocal legal and cultural preferences.Level 3. - HR management and HR staff. This level is aside of mainmanagement levels. HR management will...


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