The Ford Model T: The Revolution in the American Automobile Industry Essay

Prime MoverThe 1920's were a time where North America became modernized. Whether it was the music, the culture or the growth in technology, this time era is known to most people as the point where America advanced itself to become a world renowned country. An advancement that will be focused on is the Ford Model T. During this time owning a car was a symbol of wealth. Henry Ford, the creator of the Model T, made a system that revolutionized the automobile industry as we know it today. Henry Ford made it possible for people with an average income to own a motor vehicle by creating the assembly line and the theory of mass production. "The horse, which had been the chief means of land transportation for nearly 3,500 years, had given way to the automobile, and the country's largest industry had been born." The First production of the Model T came out on October 1, 1908 at the Piquette Avenue Plant in Detroit. At the time the Model T was going for a price around 850 and by the 1920s a newer model could be bought for at a price of 360. Although having a Model T, was a sign of wealth, it was awfully cheaper than other cars being manufactured by the other manufactures. The Model T was different from all other cars being made at the time because Ford found a way to make his car affordable. The Low Price of the Model T sent a boom around the nation. Over the course 8 years from 1900 to 1908 the ...number of cars registered in the United States had grown from8,000 to 200,000 by the end of 1908-and to nearly half a million just two years later. Ford over the course of 19 years would go on to build 15,000,000 automobiles with the Model "T" engine, the longest run of any single model. When Henry Ford introduced his Model T automobile...
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