Ingredients of an Effective Team Essay

Introduction According to Rewstrom (2011), a team is whereby activities are mutuallydependent. Individuals act as a formidable group and strive to develop acooperative form of teamwork. Hence there is the division of labor anddelegation of duties. Within a team, there is the existence of developmentof strong team identity within members and members can gain treasuredknowledge and better organization and mechanism. The main differencebetween a group and a team is that while in a group, leadership is single,in a team, it is shared and while I a group performance monitoring sourceis external as opposed to a team whereby it is internal (Rewstrom, 2011).Ingredients of Effective Teams Supportive environment the environment within which a team operatesshould be conducive so as to enable its members to share out ideas freelyfor their development. Thus there should be mutual trust between themembers to ensure that every member is involved in the decision-makingprocess in the group and their ideas respected. A team leader in classshould ensure that a conducive environment is created whereby each member'sopinion is respected and mutual trust between members developed (Quick,1992). A clear vision and a common goal whereby the team members should beprovided with a clear vision and establishment of specific goals and at thesame time outlining what the team needs to achieve. In this case as aleader of a student group in class there in need for the members of thegroup to understand the common goal that has brought the group together andwhat needs to be accomplished within the group. Skills and role claritywithin the group should also be emphasized (Rewstrom, 2011). Open communication and feedback this is an essential component of agroupteam. It enables individuals in a group to exploit their uniquetalents and strengths while at the same time develop on their weak points.As a team leader within the class setting, it will be my duty to designcareer paths...
