The Recruitment Procedure Strategy for a Company Essay

The recruitment procedure will start after a full evaluation of the needfor the post as well as strategic plans, and the budget has been finished.The recruitment policy should consider the need for fresh ideas andapproaches. It should ensure a diverse workforce by planning to employgroups that are not represented adequately in the company. This will beachieved by placing job advertisements in the minority ethnic press, thewomen's press and other types of publications targeting the under-represented (Armstrong, 1999).The company will add statements in the advertisement that seek to encourageunder-represented groups to apply for the advertised posts.Any new or modified position will be officially assessed and graded beforeadvertising it so as to maintain equal wages for work of equal valueAfter completing a post evaluation, the vacant position will be advertised.All positions will first be advertised within the company. This isessential so as to maximize equality of opportunity and offer existingstaff a career growth.The vacant post will afterward be advertised externally through media suchas newspaper and online. Adequate details will be provided to theapplicants so as they can make an informed choice.Selection PolicyInternal as well as external candidates should be evaluated in a neutralway using the selection criteria set out and the only candidate who possessthe required specifications should be shortlisted.All managers will be involved in shortlisting candidates to avoid anypossibility of bias, but the HR Manager will be in full control.All candidates will be questioned based on the individual specification.Once the short listing process is over, it should be handed to the HRservice department.The shortlisted candidate will be contacted by emails or telephone andgiven information about the selection procedure including any interviews. Shortlisted candidate will be given a notice five days working days beforethe interview to allow them to participate fully in the selectionprocedure.The interview process will be carried out by at least two individuals. Oneindividual will be the Company recruiting manager.Notes should be taken during the interview to record relevant points of theprocess....


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