Sink or Swim: My First Experience with Pools Essay

It was so fun! I hit the water I screamed. I cried. I kicked. I felt a bump. I hit the bottom. I screamed. Nothing, just bubbles. My head started swimming. I started seeing black. I opened my mouth. I just got water. I woke up coughing and spurting water out of my mouth. This was my first experience with pools. I was at Jonathan Kutasov and Jacob Mazzerellas kindergarten birthday. In first grade I said, Mommy! Mommy! COME! I want to leave Lab. I dont want to go swimming and in 3rd grade we have swimming in gym. Can I switch to Ray? Please?Benji that is silly. You are not going to leave Lab. You will eventually learn how to swim, my mom said.That same year I took a swimming class because I was afraid of the water and I knew I needed to learn how to swim eventually. So I took a class at Ratner Gym. I was mover up from the very elementary group, to the beginner group, mostly because of my age. The kids in the very elementary class were much younger than I was. The instructor told me to jump in but I was afraid of the water, so I said, NO! The instructor then tried to encourage me to go in the water. I would not do it. So the instructor took the issue to my mom. My mom asked me if I want to do it and I said, NO! She tried to convince me but she saw how scared I was, so she let me be. And that was the end of that swimming class.The next year, my mom asked me if I wanted to Adventure Kids Camp at Lab that summer. The camp had field trips every Tuesday and Thursday, BUT the camp also included swimming every day (which my mom didnt tell me about)so I said yes because it sounded fun. Once the time came...
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