
Showing posts from November, 2017

An Analysis of the Lucent Technologies Essay

LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES In 1996, ATT decided to split into three different companies. These newcompanies were the new ATT, NCR, and Lucent Technologies. Lucent Technologies isone of the leading designers, developers, and manufacturers of telecommunicationssystems, software, and products. They are beginning to emerge as a Fortune 100company. Lucent Technologies builds local networks, business telephone systems, andconsumer telephones that access the global networks. Lucent Technologies waslaunched with an initial public stock offering in April. ATT owns an 82 share of the Company.KEY PERSONNELLucent technologies has 125,000 employees worldwide. Approximately 82 ofits employees come from the United States and the other 18 come from foreigncountries. Lucent Technologies has offices in more than 90 countries, and Bell Labs hasoffices in 13 countries. The chairman and chief executive officer is Henry B. Schacht. Schacht has been on ATTs board of directors since 1981. He has also held chairman ...

An Overview and Organizational Assessment of Coca Cola Amatil Essay

Executive summaryThe generic supply chain graphic of the coca cola Amatil is similar to anyother industry with manufacturing plant, supply, retailers and end clientswho play a relevant role. The research examines the coca cola Amatilcustomized and somehow intricate supply chain structure. As a result ofwide nature of the company's operations and its many production lines, theresearch will limit t the scope of the project towards the very significantbrand produced by coca Amatil which is the coca cola. The company's supplychain is categorized into many diverse levels. The report chiefly focus onthe downstream activities of the product that comprise of associations withdiverse bottlers, supply and channels to reach many customers acrossAustralia.IntroductionThe coca cola Amatil is chosen for research since it is the leading supplychain system in Australia. The company is a beverage retailer, manufactureand the promoter of non alcoholic beverages with more than 500 brands. Thecom...

A Comparison Between the Mission Statements of Nike and Home Depot Essay

Two mission statements will be reviewed in this paper. They are Home Depot and Nike. A mission statement is a statement created that describes why the company exists, what the company actually does and what or who their target market is. (Abraham, S.C., 2012). The mission statement should include what makes the company unique over and above all others. It should answer what the company does and its reason for existing. During the course of its survival, a company should continually review the mission statement and be sure that it is strategically still valid for them and will continue to move their company forward.Home Depot Home Depot is an innovative company that sells supplies to builders, home renovators, and the self-help builders, who wants to do projects on their own. Rather than having one mission statement, they have a mission statement and eight (8) values that are designed to guide its employees at all levels. (Farfan, B. 2014) Their mission statement is to provide the hi...

An Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Big Brothers Big Sisters Essay

Using a SWOT analysis allows an organization to determine what their strengths and weaknesses within the organization as well as their opportunities for growth and forward movement as well as threats on the outside and how to gain more opportunities within their respective market. The texts sums that part of the internal assessment is conducting a SWOT analysis (Abraham, 2012). Having volunteered as well as knowing the director of our local chapter, all give me firsthand knowledge of this organization. Beginning with strengths and weaknesses and concluding with opportunities and threats, the writer will assess these areas concerning the organization and ways to find more opportunities.StrengthsBig Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) organization has been a vital part of the communities they serve for a very long time. Their biggest strengths are the volunteers and supporters of the program. Without the volunteers and the supporters there would be no program to run. Volunteers seeking to giv...

The Importance of Employer of Choice as an Essential Part of a Company's Motivation Strategy Essay

Introduction At these times of desperate recession and completion, companies areengaged in looking for the best-talented employees. The task of recruitmentand maintenance of employees has become a job and weighed heavily on thecontinuity of a company. Consequently, "employer of choice" has become anintegral part of a company motivated towards outsmarting its employees.Rampl, (2014) defines "employer of choice" as the choice of an employer toconsider and create a good working environment for its employees that wouldmake them work under little supervision. This is to say that they have astrong faith and believe in the values as well as the whole experience thatthe company offers. Consequently, the company would be able to retain thebest and talented employees and thus accruing profits enormously that wouldsee a great progress of the company. Programs that a given organization can take to become an Employer of Choice Being an Employer of Choice is a decision ...

A Case Study of the Toyota Automobile's Internal Misplay That Led to the Series of Crisis in 2009 Essay

IntroductionIn the year 2009, Toyota automobile company went through a series of crisis due to the quality of cars produced that resulted in calling off of some of its products as well as the closure of some assembly plants located in the United States (Greto, 2010). As a result of the crisis, the reputation of the company as the best car producer across the globe has been threatened. Since the crisis hit the global vehicle producer and automobile company due to the brakes that did not function properly in some of the models the company has lost a large number of customers as well as customers loyalty. DiscussionWith an aim of winning back the lost loyalty among customers, creativity, innovation, and growth have been primary in every production process that the company engages in. These processes are also aimed at ensuring that the company reaches a larger share of the market. In many firms, negative events normally crop up when they are unprecedented and cause reputational crisis int...

The Business Model and Market Strategy of Costco Essay

Question 1Costco's adopts a business model that is based on a best-cost strategy. Basically they utilize low-cost provider approach which consolidates that with making quality for the different partners by concentrating on incredible client benefit, a strict code of morals, regarding suppliers, remunerating shareholders, treating representatives like family and an in number feeling of ecological stewardship. The focal center of their plan of action rotated around high sales and quick stock turnover (Thompson, 2012). This is an exceptionally engaging plan of action as it gives the capacity to work beneficially at much lower horrible edges by securing merchant volume buying assertions and proficient appropriation.Question 2Costco adopts a strategy that consists ofa limited selection of nationally branded and private-label products,a treasure hunt shopping environment, ultra-low prices, low working cost emphasis, and geographic expansion In light of ultra-low expenses, they lured a gr...

The Factors That Can Change the Situation in the Prices Charged by Companies Essay

There are some companies that operate in the low calories, microwavable food industry hence bringing about competition. In essence, there are many industry players. Regardless of the intensive competition, there are always tow leading companies in the industry that comprise healthy choice and lean cuisine. Due to their operation, the two firms hold a significant market share in the industry. These companies compete by coming up with the differentiated products from each other. Due to this, they make the companies enjoy monopoly that is partial therefore acting like the monopoly. This is what makes the firms have some pricing power over what they produce. In this case, there is a power of monopoly given that the products are differentiated thus every independent company can fix a price that they wish on all the products they produce depending on the level of profits they wish to attain. In so doing, it increases the margins of profit since the prices are more than the competitive marke...

The Improvement of Sullivan Window Company's Productivity and Sales Through Coaching Sessions Essay

Coaching Session Sullivan Window Company sells and installs windows throughout theUnited States. The sales office is located in New York, NY is planning toimprove the productivity of their sales force. One of the inside salesrepresentatives Lauren Smith is lagging behind the department average ofselling new products at 5.8 minutes over the phone. She has improved herphone calls by reducing her average from 8.5 to 7.2 minutes however thereis still room for improvement. A coaching session will take place whichwill consist of training to help improve Smith's selling strategies. Toreduce Smith's length of phone calls and improve her overall strategy forselling new products, she will be assigned as a mentor to act in a 6 daycoaching session. The mentor will be one of the top-leading salesrepresentatives for Sullivan. The coaching session will provide Smith withthe necessary education, strategy, and experience to reduce her length ofphone calls and improve her overall sales stra...

A Review of Global Branding and Pricing Strategies Essay

Global Branding and Pricing StrategiesA strong corporate brand acts as the face of the company, portraying what it wants to do and what it wants to be known for in the marketplace. In other words, it encapsulates its vision, values, personality, positioning and image among many other dimensions (De Kluyver 2010). Branding sets apart one companyproduct from another, introducing to clients not just a product, but an idea and way of life. Distinguishing between the domestic and global product branding strategy is key to having a business that seeks to acquire for a wider consumer base and realize more profit. On the domestic level, Google has to be characterized and identified with local culture. The local market clientele is comprised of mainly North Americans, as a result Google would want to portray an image that attests to its nationality and patriotic status therefore the national branding strategy would be implemented since a national brand is specially aligned to match the local co...

Consumer Socialisation and the Four Types of Loyalty Programmes Used by Cadbury Essay

Advertising remains one of the avenues by which consumer learning or customer socialisation occurs. Customer socialisation is defined as the process by which a customer is taught how to behave within the consumer environment. Instrumental learning theorists believe that learning occurs through a trial and error process with habits formed as a result of rewards received for certain reposes or behaviours. Every time a customer purchases a shirt or a sweater there that they really like, and become a frequent buyer, their loyalty is rewarded which reinforces their patronage to the store. The end result is a recurrence of the behavior to the point of inveteracy (Schiffman 2013). Some advertisements are notorious for their affective, behavrioural or cognitive appeal. Advertising is one of the avenues by which learning or consumer socialization occurs. Similar to the process by which a child or even adult is taught how to behave, consumer socialization happens when the buyer adopts the desira...

The Use of a Six Sigma Quality Control Strategy to Improve Overall Quality of Salem Press Essay

Reference publisher Salem Press serves high schools, public libraries,colleges universities all over the U.S. Upon purchase, customers have theoption to add processing to their order which includes preparing the booksfor the library along with free database access. Recently, there has beenan increased number of defects in producing and delivering products. Toimprove overall quality of Salem Press, a Six Sigma quality controlstrategy can be implemented to boost productivity, logistics, and customersatisfaction.Quality Control During the quality movement, there were several methods created toassist with quality control. Three of the more popular quality controlmethods are ISO 9000, Six Sigma, and Lean Each method has unique qualitiesand methodologies. For example, the Lean method focuses on maximizingcustomer satisfaction while lowering costs. Lean Enterprise Institute(2015) states,"The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through aperfect value creation p...

A Strategic Plan of Improving the Quality of a Donor's Experience Essay

Improving the corporate donor renewal rates within our nonprofit is a challenging, yet reachable goal. I believe instilling a donor relations committee to service our donors with high quality and exceptional service is key to both keeping and recruiting our chapters current and future members. Attention must be given to what prompts donors to maintain and increase their support as well as what might inhibit an increase in donor involvement. (Stoldt, G.C., Dittmore, S.W., Branvold, S.E. 2012).Determining the motivating factors behind our donor base can be understood in multiple facets to gain a clear understanding of the needs of the donors. Gaining an insight into the motivation of donors can be determined by introducing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plan into our strategy. Customer Relationship Management includes the followingFinding customersGetting to know themCommunicating with themEnsuring their satisfactionRetaining themUtilizing the CRM tool, we will then be able to...

The Different Cultural Views of International Negotiation Essay

Progressive globalization has caused a rise in need for appropriate skills in international negotiations. This is not only in diplomacy but also in the business environment. An understanding of other cultures is necessary for these negotiations. Culture can be considered a phenomenon that involves a group that has common characteristics manifested in them. It is acquired individually through socialization, and identifies a group uniquely through intangible attributes such as values, beliefs, and behavior patterns (Fisher, 1980, p. 36). Cultural differences affect the perceptions and behaviors of different parties in any international negotiation in different ways. These include the goal of negotiations different cultures view negotiations differently with some negotiators viewing them as an opportunity to get a signed contract between the involved parties (Brunerand Tagiuri, 1954, 27). Others view negotiations as a start of a relationship between the two parties. The concept of win-lo...

The Impact of Freemium in Society Today Essay

Freemium Characteristics and Psychological EffectsIn the neoliberal age, several new business models were created as a result of the shift towards free market. One of which has generated a remarkable amount of buzz in the past few years and has made its way to become one of the main sources of revenue for a number of businesses. The Freemium model has integrated itself into many everyday services, from online subscription-based services to mobile applications and games. The term Freemium is described in Reime (2011)s research paper as a service that is essentially free, but also allows users to pay for extra premium features that are not available to a free user. Freemium services can also use advertisement as a supplement of revenue. As with every other business models, not all of the businesses that make the use of the freemium model are bound to succeed so what does it take for a Freemium service to thrive?Freemium has gained much attention in the recent years for the notion of the...

The Importance of Advancing, Updating, and Evolving Products for the Success of a Company Essay

There are roughly 45,000 formal companies across the world, but the most successful companies, are those that appeal to their consumers, and continue to advance their technology, and or product(s). If a company wishes to have success, it must continually adapt and evolve to meet consumer desires and needs, and keep up with their competition. Some may argue that a company does not need to change and evolve in order to be successful, but by taking a look at companies in society, that argument is invalid. Societal trends show that consumers are always searching for the newest, and the best product available on the market. There have been many examples in recent times in which a company has quickly fallen off of the map after their product has been released, due to a lack of development in the product. Consumers often quickly become bored of company products if they become outdated. The recent downfall of the mobile application, Pokmon Go, is an example of what happens when consumer desire...

A Case Analysis of the Aggressive Strategy of Prices Suppression by WalMart Essay

WalMart Case AnalysisWalmart has a very interesting state of existence because of its sheer size. For example, in the book it is mentioned that WalMarts aggressive strategy of pushing prices down is responsible for reducing the worlds inflation by almost one percent in some years. As has been said in many different arenas of human existence, with great power comes great responsibility. Many would argue that in the time since WalMart has come to exist as the multinational power it is today, it has done nothing short of abuse its power and cause harm to the people it claims to help. However, although WalMart has not achieved perfection when it comes to social responsibility, it been reasonable enough that many of its actions are highly defensible, and, in many ways, the good outweighs the bad.One of the arguments against WalMarts strategy of price suppression is that by forcing manufacturers and suppliers to keep costs down, in order to maintain profitability, overseas manufacturing,...

The Strategy to Increase Revenue for Sue's Cafe Essay

INCREASING REVENUESTo generate increased revenues from both new and existing customers, the company should increase the average transaction size. Average transaction is mainly important because it assists in measuring success when increasing larger sales from each customer. Ideally, the average transaction size should constantly be increasing because it suggests strongly that the company is not just continued, but increasing success in selling coffee to its consumers. Alternatively, the company could increase the frequency of transactions per customer. Frequency of transactions per customer is critical, for example, if a new consumer comes in once in a month, convincing them to patronize the business every week will increase revenue. DECREASING EXPENSESThe solution that the company chooses will depend on the circumstance of the individual organization. Even though there is a need to purchase high-quality material, there is also a need for a high-quality organization to purchase the pro...

The Low Prices Strategy as a Huge Factor in the Success of Wal-Mart Essay

The success of Wal-Mart is due to a number of factors. First of all, it is an effective pricing policy. Because of the large volume of sales the company may set lower retail prices for the goods. The Wal-Mart holds an effective regional policy of placing stores. It provides an efficient management structure, as well as the logistics and marketing. The company changes the sales structure in line with the new trends. For example, the trend for the organic agriculture has led to the appearance of the relevant departments in the stores, and the Internet development made an impact on the appearance of sales through the Internet and the Wi-Fi access in the stores. Therefore, the business analyzes of the Wal-Mart company according to the certain criteria should be done to outline the future perspectives of the company.The technological devices are widely implemented in the company. "Technology has now become the key enabler for customer service," according to Karenann Terrell, t...

An Analysis of NASA's Dilemma over the Commercial Crew Program Essay

Following the conclusion of the Space Shuttle program in 2011, NASA was left with no means of sending astronauts to space from U.S. soil. Recognizing the need to maintain a presence on the International Space Station (ISS), the agency turned to Russia, the only other nation to launch a crewed vehicle to the station. NASA originally intended to rely on Russian Soyuz spacecraft only until 2015, when they expected commercial companies to take over the job domestically, but delays have pushed this back until at least 2019 1. This has forced NASA to consider buying more seats at monopolistic prices, and has placed additional pressure on commercial spaceflight providers.NASAs Commercial Crew Program began in 2010, when 50 million of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act were invested in five companies to begin developing human-rated spacecraft and launch systems 2. Over the course of the program, eight different companies have competed to some extent for contracts to ferry astronauts, and t...

Technology and Its Impact in the Workplace Essay

Throughout time, it has been evident how a given technology gives us a particular type of society and because a single technology has the ability to set limitations, it is able to change how a society functions. We have seen how with the diffusion of one modest invention, simple horticultural societies changed drastically into complex agricultural ones. With globalization and the proliferation of new technologies, these advances keep impacting and changing the way in which societies live today. The workplace is an example of one area where technologys impact can be examined. For a great majority of time, human capital was the only labor capital available, occupations consisted mostly of manual labor and almost anyone could learn the skills required for completing a job. The introduction and extension of new technologies has replaced a vast amount of that manual labor and the human capital that is now needed, requires greater conceptual and cognitive skills rather than physical capaciti...

A Review and Critique of the Smoot Hawley Plan Essay

Countries and governments often pursue vigorous economic nationalism as a form of remedy against domestic economic slowdown. However, pursuing this endeavor may result in unexpected outcomes both at home and abroad. Proponents of economic nationalism argue that supporting local industries prevents precious foreign exchange from leaving the country and enables local industries to develop and compete directly against foreign competitors (who, in some cases, directly threaten the local competition due to their cheaper prices andor better quality of their products). Therefore, economic nationalism causesdirect financial damage to foreign companies who conduct their businesses completely in line with local laws. This causes disenfranchisement among foreign investors and may result in decreased FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in the future. Customers prefer the products of these foreign companies due to their low cost and better quality. By influencing the consumer into choosing the more exp...

An Overview of Red's, Its Products and Business Strategy Essay

Reds is a local restaurant, based out of Richmond, Virginia, in the heart of the VCU area. We selected this business because everyone loves food, and we all thought that it would be a profitable business being in the city, and for the prices and services that we offer. We learned that the restaurant industry is actually very competitive and it can be quite difficult to turn a profit due to the cost of food and other factors. Weve also learned that it can be very challenging to find a niche that another restaurant has already cornered.Business SummaryReds was founded in 2016, by six college friends who had a dream for a full service restaurant that could service the public, but almost exclusively serve college students by providing quick meals for a fair price. We began our journey in Richmond, Virginia in the downtown VCU area, with high hopes of attracting a diverse crowd. We offer Americanized dishes, including pastas, burgers, and sides to choose from, in addition to having a dine-i...

A Brief History of Blizzard Entertainment and the Potential Threats to Their Success Essay

Blizzard Entertainment is a subsidy of the iconic gaming company Activision. Blizzard Entertainment is gaming company, but they also makeapparel, action figures, trading cards, and much more. Blizzard makes the game World of Warcraft, which is the reason I chose them as my company.I have been playing World of Warcraft for almost 10 years nowand it has held my attention completely and absorbed so much of my life over these years. From my research, I hope to learn more about how this massive empire came to be, since they have paved the way for so many massively multiplayer online roleplaying companies.Blizzard Entertainment isa record-breaking gaming company with a proven track record of releasing 1 games, spanning more than 20 years. They have won countless awards, and have millions of dedicated players worldwide.In 2015, Statista had estimated that World of Warcraft alone had 5.5 million subscribers across the globe.1 Number of World of Warcraft subscribers from 1st quarter 2005 to 3rd...

An Analysis of the Business Practices of Wisconsin Nicaragua Partners Essay

One of the first things that pops up when you Google Wisconsin Nicaragua Partners is their website and below that are a plethora of articles containing praises of all the work that this organization achieved and documenting the success of this nonprofit. Our local newspaper, The Stevens Point Journal, wrote a piece on the nonprofit celebrating 50 years of service. The article mentions our local McDonalds remodel that took place in 2012 and how all the old furnishing werent discarded in a landfill but instead the benches and tables were repurposed in Nicaragua for waiting room seating at hospitals and reading areas in learning centers. Another highlight of the article, talked about Stevens Points 30 retired emergency vehicles that the WisconsinNicaragua Partners transported down to help those in need. (Lawder, 2014). Another local news source posted a blog article about this nonprofit. WAOW posted an article about a representative of the Nicaraguan Embassy coming to Stevens Point to tha...

A Review of Marketing Strategies for SOOTH Inc Essay

SOOTH Inc is an American company that is specialized in the massage therapy business. This new product management report indicates the extent to which this company can increase its profitability and gain a competitive advantage if it penetrates the new Markets of Asia, Middle East and Europe. Two different products such as Gua Sha and Cupping were considered to choose which one best suit the business model of SOOTHE Inc. A comparative analysis between Gua Sha and Cupping indicated that Gua Sha is the most suitable in terms of costs involved in creating value and the level of satisfaction that it can provide. After several months of research, SOOTHE company realized that in order to expand and increase profitability to benefit from large scale, it is necessary to add a new product to its existing products. Given its area of specialization, SOOTHE intends to choose between two products such as Gua Sha and Cupping. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a market analysis and to make a co...

Is Adidas Good for Society Essay

Is Adidas Good For Society?The sportswear brand Adidas is definitely well known throughout the world. In 2013 Adidas was the third most valuable sports business brand in the world, making more than seven-billion dollars(U.S.) and only exceeded by Nike and ESPN. Adidas also employs more than seven-hundred thousand workers in twelve-hundred factories spread across sixty-five countries. However, most of those workers are employed in countries where labor laws are not in effect, and are paid wages that barely allow them to eat a meal every day, let alone to support their families. Due to this, it is arguable that Adidas is a bane to society. Adidas is guilty of globalization by the integration of their products into the societies of these countries.In countries like Sri Lanka, The Philippines, and Indonesia, workers for Adidas are neglected in the sense that they receive very little pay. On any given day a worker makes about thirty rupiah, which isnt even equal to the value of a dollar. D...

A Study on Microsoft Mission Statement Essay

Microsoft Mission StatementMicrosofts mission statement is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. We consider our mission statement a commitment to our customers. We deliver on that commitment by striving to create technology that is accessible to everyoneof all ages and abilities. Microsoft is one of the industry leaders in accessibility innovation and in building products that are safer and easier to use.They so this by having accessible technology. Accessible technology enables individuals to personalize their technology to make it easier to see, hear, and use. Accessibility and accessible technology are helpful for individuals who experience visual difficulties, pain in the hands or arms, hearing loss, speech or cognitive challenges and individuals seeking to customize their computing experience to meet their situational needs and preferences. Accessibility includes accessibility options that let you personalize the user experience thr...

Productivity and Business Processes, Intelligent Cloud, and Personal Computing as Segmented Categories of Microsoft Essay

Microsoft SegmentedMicrosoft has many segmented categories. They include Productivity and Business Processes, Intelligent Cloud, and Personal Computing. Microsofts Productivity and Business Processes segment consists of products and cloud services in our portfolio of productivity, communication, and information services, spanning a variety of devices and platforms. Microsofts Intelligent Cloud segment consists of our public, private, and hybrid server products and cloud services that can power modern business. Microsofts Personal Computing segment consists of products and services geared towards harmonizing the interests of end users, developers, and information technology professionals across screens of all sizes.The immediate image that springs to mind when someone ask who Microsofts target market is would probably get the answer that its the people that work on computers, but Microsoft has been taking pains to revamp its image ahead of the launch of Windows 8. Microsofts makes a dea...

The Ford Model T: The Revolution in the American Automobile Industry Essay

Prime MoverThe 1920's were a time where North America became modernized. Whether it was the music, the culture or the growth in technology, this time era is known to most people as the point where America advanced itself to become a world renowned country. An advancement that will be focused on is the Ford Model T. During this time owning a car was a symbol of wealth. Henry Ford, the creator of the Model T, made a system that revolutionized the automobile industry as we know it today. Henry Ford made it possible for people with an average income to own a motor vehicle by creating the assembly line and the theory of mass production. "The horse, which had been the chief means of land transportation for nearly 3,500 years, had given way to the automobile, and the country's largest industry had been born." The First production of the Model T came out on October 1, 1908 at the Piquette Avenue Plant in Detroit. At the time the Model T was going for a price around 850 and by...

An Analysis of the Motivation, Job Design and Efficiency, and Improvements at BruanAbility Essay

Throughout the paper below we will be looking at some of the things that BruanAbility, a company for disabled, works their HRM department. as well as some suggestions. Some of the topics that we will hit are motivation at BruanAbility, what they can do to increase motivation, job deign and efficiency, including a suggested migration to the cloud to allow work from anywhere. Also analyzing some special improvements that BruanAbility could make to further their HRM departments success, including the addition of a stress management team. Motivation at BruanAbilityAll work has a purpose, but some work has a bigger and more motivating purpose than other jobs. Work at BruanAbility is motivating because you know your job has a very important purpose. Thanks to the HRM department at BruanAbility its employees know that they are producing quality products that will change a disabled persons life, making it easier for them to lead a normal life where they dont need as much assistance. If I were ...

An Introduction to the History of Pepsico Essay

pepsico By deepmer E-mail 1. Introduction 1 What is PEPSICO? 1 Brief History of PEPSICO 1 Business Segments 1 Frito-Lay 1 Pepsi-Cola Company 2 Tropicana 3 2. Company Analysis 4 External Analysis 4 PEST Analysis 4 Porters Diamond 5 Five Forces 8 Internal Analysis 9 Porters Value Chain 9 Boston Consulting Group 12 Financial Analysis 13 SWOT 14 Strength 14 Weakness 14 Opportunities 14 Threats 15 3. Conclusions 15 Marketing 15 General 15 4. Recommendations 16 Bibliography 17 Appendix 17 Appendix I 17 Appendix II 17 Appendix III 17 Appendix IV 17 Appendix V 17 Appendix VI 17 1. Introduction What is PEPSICO? PepsiCo is one of the most successful beverage and snack food business in the world. The company consist of Frito Lay Co., Pepsi-Cola Co., and Tropicana Products. Brief History of PEPSICO PepsiCo was funded in 1965 by Donald M. Kendall Pepsi-Cola president, and Herman W. Lay, president of Frito-Lay. Caleb Bradham, a New Bern, N.C. pharmacist, created pepsi-Cola in 1890...

The Need to Transform the Current Human Resource Management to a Strategic Contributor in the Business Field Essay

There is a need to transform Human Resource Management to a more strategic contributor for any business to achieve the much-anticipated success due to the rapidly changing demands of the workplace. No one is sure about where any company will be five or ten years from now (Lawler III Mohrman, 2003). The workplace demands the increasing technological drive of domain and fluid and dynamic nature of the globalized labor force as well as work setting which are all components that are fast changing the work people do and the manner in which they will be evaluated in accordance with the work they do. Human resource management could be a critical tool to provide the solution when changes occur at any point. Long gone are the days when companies presumed that, ideas and the skills that a person has when he enters a certain job would not change over the course of their time with the organization. Every individual entering any organization must address a particular change (Lawler III Mohrman, 2...

The Importance of Artistic Design and Logo in Internet Commerce Essay

Design, Logos, and Internet CommerceAs the world continues to become more interconnected, the internet has emerged as the newest and most powerful tool of humanity. Every day more and more people turn to the digital world as the outlet for expressing their passions. The online domain is now a social hub where ideas, art, and goods are exchanged at higher volume and frequency than ever before. With so many individuals logging on to the web on a daily basis, it is no surprise that companies have also taken to cyberspace to market their products to arguably the largest pool of potential customers in the world. With a constant barrage of stimulus bombarding the newsfeeds and search engines of web users, companies have to find new ways of capturing the attention spans of millions of potential buyers. One of the simplest, but possibly most effective ways that this can be achieved is the use of an easily identifiable and well-constructed logo in internet advertisement. If proper attention is ...

The Different Strategies in Managing Operations Outside the Country Essay

Chapter 9 Entry StrategiesOrganizational Structures MNCs have a number of different entry strategies and organizationalarrangements that helps gain entry for operations in a different country.Many are traditional and standard approaches, while others are hybrids,mixed, or flexible arrangements that involve collaborative relationshipswhich control and oversight are shared among them. 1) Which organizational structure described in the chapter does Volkswagen's "customer-oriented" structure most closely resemble?The organizational structure described in the chapter that most closelyresemble Volkswagen's "customer-oriented" structure is a global productdivision. "A global product division is a structural arrangement in whichdomestic divisions are given worldwide responsibility for product groups"(Luthans Doh, Pg. 324). They operate as profit centers and the productsare generally in the growth stage of the product cycle, so they need to bep...

The Importance of Open-Mindedness in Business Essay

It is always a good idea to be consider other cultural views in thebusiness world. Culture is very complex. Managers especially have toconsider these cultural differences when working in an internationalbusiness environment. Culture varies and contains various subtle featuresthat usually vary within countries and across national borders. Language is definitely an important aspect of culture, although itdoes not guarantee a smooth transition into that particular culture.Learning the language is such an important window into the local culturebecause it is a means of communication and without knowing the language, itwill be harder for one to communicate with those that are around you. Itwould be helpful so you can find your way around the area, be able to shopand look for specific things, and it will also be helpful while you areworking around in your office. Other components of culture that are beyondlearning the language is the mannerisms, local customs, workplacetraditions, percep...

The History and Overview of Emaar Properties Essay

Emaar PropertiesEmaar Properties is a real estate development firm that is headquartered inDubai, United Arab Emirates. The company was established in 1997 to servethe UAE's property development sector. This paper is interested inexploring how Emaar Properties has grown to become an internationalcompany. Since 1997, the company has grown to become one of the globalleaders in real estate development serving clients spread in differentcompanies The company prides itself for overseeing iconic building such asthe Burj Khalifa, (the tallest building in the world) and the Dubai Mall(, 2014). The company is currently headed by MohammedAlabbar who doubles up as founder and chairman of the company. The companyalso prides itself as being one of the largest employers in the Middle Eastregion with a workforce capacity of 10,000 employees. The company's islisted in the Dubai Financial market as DFM EMAAR. The firms' stock pricewas traded at 6.690 AED as at 15th Decem...

A Comparison of the Business Portfolios of United Arab Emirates-Based Companies Emaar Properties and Etisalat Essay

IntroductionEmaar Properties and Etisalat are two companies based in United ArabEmirates. The two companies engage in different business portfolios. EmaarProperties engages in real estate development serving clients in both UAEand in foreign countries while, Etisalat is a telecommunication serviceprovider serving clients in different parts of the world. Although bothcompanies are from UAE, each of them is based in different cities. Forinstance, Emaar properties is headquartered in Dubai while Etisalat isbased in Abu Dhabi. However, both companies have grown their businessportfolio and, currently they are ranked top global companies in theirrespective business ventures.This paper is interested in comparing and contrasting the two companies.Using financial statements obtained from different sources, the paper willevaluate the financial status of the two companies. Moreover, the paperwill use financial ratios to evaluate the financial strength of the twocompanies. Once this analysis is d...

The Characteristics, Core Values, and Results of Jumpstart, a Non-Profit Organization Essay

Jumpstart Children FirstJumpstart is a national non-profit organization that is concerned with early childhood education. Ever since it began in 1993, members of Jumpstart have worked tirelessly to improve early childhood education so that students have a better chance of being successful throughout their lives. America is currently suffering from an early education crisis. Jumpstart describes it as starting a race knowing that more than half of your competitors will be given a 10 minute head start. In low-income neighborhoods, children start kindergarten 60 behind their peers who are from more affluent communities. When this happens, these children are more likely to stay behind for the rest of their lives, never fully closing that achievement gap that they started out their lives with. In fact, the gap only grows in size as time goes on. This leads to an increase in high school dropout rates, unemployment, incarceration, teen pregnancy, and public assistance dependency by the time th...

A Proposal for the Window Display of Wooden Opal, a Vintage Fashion Store Essay

Window Display Proposal The name of the store for the window display is called Wooden Opal. The store has a very chic feel to it. It also incorporates a rustic, warm feel to the store as well. During the Christmas season, Wooden Opal incorporates the overall aesthetic of its interior design into the window displays but with more of a festive and whimsical theme. It is a store that exclusively sells vintage fashions from past eras. It also sells vintage inspired designs from modern designers. The price point for its merchandise is relatively affordable, although it occasionally has some pieces of clothing at a higher price point because of having a higher quality. Wooden Opal also sells a variety of shoes and jewelry that is also vintage inspired.The target market of Wooden Opal is a woman who is between the ages of 18 and 30. She is adventurous, likes nature, enjoys trying out different fashion trends and likes the style vintage clothing offers. She also likes going to different spe...

The Expansion of Starbucks into the Tea Market and Its Consequences Essay

Starbucks coffee has decided to expand its business by opening up its first Teavana teahouse in Manhattan. They hope to be able to open at least an additional 1,000 stores in and outside of the U.S. For many of their tea loving customers, this is a welcomed change. Starbucks wanted the new store to feel much different than their usual stores. The main focus was to create a very zen feeling. They accomplished this through low lighting, a contemporary design, and a tea shrine. The result is an atmosphere that many of their customers want to linger in instead of grabbing their purchased item and leaving. Starbucks decision to expand into the tea market was a way to economize. The only other beverage that people drink more than water is tea. Expanding into this market involved the least amount of cost because of this. Expanding into a different market such as energy drinks would involve more cost and therefore would not be economizing. This decision that Starbucks made involves a cost. As ...

The Business Tactics to Attract Shoppers During the Holyday Shopping Season Essay

Holiday shopping is a stressful time of the year. Usually beginning on Black Friday and extending through Christmas, stores try to have a variety of tactics to get customers into their doors and away from their competitors. As Christmas becomes ever closer, stores begin to use tactics for the procrastinators that might have just started shopping. Some of these tactics include using social media to target their customer directly, offering free shipping and extending store hours. People respond to the incentives that stores offer during the holiday season. Incentives such as offering free shipping, and extended store hours will all get more customers into different stores and opening their wallets. By offering free shipping, a website will probably get more orders than a website that is charging their normal shipping fees. Similar to this, by having extended store hours, a store will most likely attract more customers in a day than a store that closes at its normal time. The busy holiday...

The Benefits of Using Aluminum for Ford Trucks Essay

In the article Ford Trucks Reinvent Tough by Switching to Aluminum, the Engineering News-Record explains the changes to Fords most common truck for the 2015 model year. Most importantly, the trucks body will be made out of aluminum rather than steel. This change in materials makes the trucks lighter by up to 700 pounds. In addition, the article outlines several other aesthetic and performance updates, such as new headlights, tail lights, technological accessories, and engine choices. In the truck industry, there are generally two areas firms compete in most fuel efficient and most powerful. Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge each aim to produce a vehicle that can carry or tow the greatest load and burn the least amount of fuel in doing so. When a customer buys a new truck, they want one that looks good and performs well. Each manufacturer produces vehicles that are visually appealing, so subtle differences in consumer taste doesnt make too much of a difference. Instead, they go to the dealer ...

The Failure of the First Foray of International Breweries in China, the Success of Anheuser-Busch and SABMiller, and the Business Strategies of SABMiller Essay

Why did the first foray of a majority of international breweries fail? Compare the first foray and second foray of foreign entrants, and predict the possible outcomes.The first foray for international beer investors in China failed because the majority of the people were low income earners and could only afford cheap beer that was produced locally (Zhigang, 2016). The market was viable for only local manufactures. The second one was successful because by 2002, more than 250million people in urban centers were middle class and others were wealthy meaning there was a change in lifestyle and the people could easily afford drinking international beers regardless of the price (Zhigang, 2016). Price wars were no longer viable in competition. What are the reasons for the success of Anheuser-Busch and SABMiller in the Chinese beer market?Anheuser-Busch and SABMiller were successful because unlike the first time investors who set up new production centers, they joined and merged with the alre...

GlaxoSmithKline Co. and the Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry Essay

Competition in business is usually for market share and sales volume the tactics used to increase the aforementioned are price reduction, promotions, distribution and packaging (Richard, 2015). A competitor is a business that seeks to have your target market, reduce market share and sales volume. Competition is usually in monopolistic and oligopolistic market structures consequently, an organization can determine a competitor who poses a great threat by analyzing the share market. A decent demonstration is when Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beechams merged to become GlaxoSmithKline Co. there was an increase in the market share controlled and most of their competitors either closed down or were taken over by the company. At this point GSK could easily enjoy the economies of scale (Garcon et. al 2007). Competition in the pharmaceutical industry is rampant in the therapeutic sector either for the differentiated products or homogenous products (Garcon et. al 2007). Differentiated products ...

An Analysis of the Success of the Business Model of the Company of Mr. Shah Essay

The initial Consortium that made up the PPP was an ideal group of organizations that allowed them to be successful. There were many things brought to the table by each of the companies Sumitomo Chemical Company, WHO, UNICEF, ExxonMobil, the Acumen Fund, and Population Services International (PSI). Some offered technical or financial support, others helped with project management or manufacturing technology. Some offered improvements to the supply-chain, others researched markets and stimulated demand. I think that the team of organizations around Mr. Shahs business were what allowed the business model to reach the growth it did.I believe what also made them able to be successful was they met together and established clear objectives. This allowed them to be on the same page going forward. They all agreed that they needed a company that would earn enough money to sustain itself and that helped increase economic growth in Africa. When they chose A to Z as their business partner they wer...

A Company Overview of Produce Shack, and Its Business Environment and Strategy Essay

Executive Summary Everyday customers see the waste in the grocery industry and feel like they cannot make a difference. Now they can! The Produce Shack is a fresh produce store that will be located in the metro community and will offer products that are locally sourced to cut down on the waste in transportation. We also will offer slightly damaged produce to our customers at a discount. We will be green at The Produce shack and know the importance of sustainability. Helping people live healthy lives is what we are about. We believe that the food people consume is a huge part of that. A few of our unique services are listed belowShop with a NutritionistOnline shopping and delivery Informative tablet stationsDiscounts on slightly damaged produceConnection with local farmersIn order to continually improve our company is built on communication from the bottom to the top. From our initial hiring we will be set on finding the most passionate team to build up our store. Because of our techn...

The Strategy Behind Robin Chase's Zipcar a Car Sharing Start-up Essay

Zipcar was founded in 2000 in Boston by Robin Chase and Antje Danielson, although the majority of the start-up process was in the hands of Chase. Zipcar is a "short-term, on-demand private car service" (pg. 3) replicated from similar businesses in Western Europe, where users can rent cars in order to satisfy their everyday transportation needs. The current Harvard Business School case details the brief, but storied history of financing the start-up and proving the business model. Chase makes a number of assumptions (1) customers will be college-educated, web-connected individuals (2) Boston will be the ideal location due to insufficient parking and good public transportation and (3) the market will be entirely unsaturated due to few competitors. However, Chase was quickly forced to adjust and refine a number of her initial hypotheses as Zipcar began to take off, namely the pricing model. Glenn Urban gave Chase perhaps the best advice regarding Zipcar "you have to do this...

My OIG Strategy for NCPR: Auditing, Findings, Recommendations Essay

Part AMission and strategy of the IGThe mission of my OIG is to protect and enhance the NCPR so that the agency can operate optimally and legally within prescribed regulations. The OIG accomplishes this by overseeing the agency. Through auditing, findings and recommendations, the OIG fulfills its mission. The role of the IG Under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, my duty is to conduct investigations and audits of all 70,000 employees of NCPR, management officials, and the affected Departments. My objective is not only to promote economy and efficiency within the agency, but also to detect, eradicate and prevent fraud, waste and abuse. I am also to ensure that the agency is operating in compliance with generally established policies and procedures of the government. In the semi-annual investigation just completed, I found issues with the Train Maintenance Division of the NCPR, which employs 7,000 workers and is responsible for keeping the trains safe and operational. The is...

A Description of Hollenbeck's and Klein's Goal-setting Model Essay

Goal-setting research is involved with establishing specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-targeted goals. Goal commitment, according to Locke at al. (1981), is an individuals level of determination over time toward an accomplishment of an original goal, and the unwillingness to lower or abandon that goal (pg. 212). In their research, Hollenbeck and Klein (1987) reinterpret past goal-setting research (of which 61 fails to mention goal commitment, 12 does not assess it empirically, and 27 misinterprets the original formulation) in lieu of goal commitment. The authors develop a model of goal commitment that demonstrates that the widely varying and conditional effects of goal difficulty, as well as the inconsistent results with variables such as monetary incentives, participation and individual differences may very well be explained by the effects (main and interactive) of the situational and personal factors of their theoretical model.According to Hollenbeck and Kleins mod...