An Overview of the Intuitive Consumer Experience or ICE as a New Division of the Apple Company Essay

The following business model and strategic plan is extremely multifaceted. The paragraphs will cover several topics extremely relevant to the new proposed division of the Apple Company. This new division is entitled ICE, which stands for Intuitive Consumer Experience, and will be primarily tasked with creating an app which creates an individually tailored and unique technology experience for consumers on their mobile computing devices, all with the purpose of making their usage more intuitive and quick. The mission statement of this division is, The Intuitive Consumer Experience division will provide the Apple consumer with a personalized and intuitive mobile computing experience through detailed data collection and analysis. The more specific and telling vision of this new division for Apple is as follows The ICE division will continue to revolutionize and individualize consumers technology experience to the point where it can accurately predict individual technology behavior with a 95 accuracy. The ICE division will also cause a 30 decrease of technical service calls. This may seem like a very lofty vision to set for this new division, but with the proper planning, evaluation, and hard work, it is within the grasp of the Apple Company. This new division is created under the assumption that one of the primary barriers and issues associated with the use of Apples technology is that consumers dont know how to utilize all of the features to their full extent. A large risk associated with this app is that it will function improperly and make consumers technology even more difficult and cumbersome to use. The realization of this risk could mean significant drops in market share and customer satisfaction. The paragraphs below also discuss the change management that must occur within the organization to continue its success in terms of improving employee loyalty and job satisfaction through knowledge creation and management. This new division has the opportunity to improve Apple product sales by millions of units, thereby increasing revenue up to hundreds...
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