An Analysis of Characters in Affliction by Russell Banks Essay

Character Analysis of Wade Whitehouse of AfflictionCharacter Analysis of Wade Whitehouse of "Affliction"The character Wade Whitehouse from the book Affliction by Russell Banks is very complex. To properly analyze his character one must take into account all aspects of his personality. We must search and break down any information we may find about, the characters background information, describe his personality, determine if any changes have occurred to his character during the novel, how he has affected fellow characters and finally the thematic significance that the author wishes to bring to the readers attention through his character. Firstly we must look at the major factors that influence the character background information surrounding the environmental factors of the town, the family relations and early life experiences that have dramatically affected the character. The town of Lawford is a rural community in New Hampshire having no natural resources for economic viability. Due to this poor flow of money the town lacks simple services and recreational facilities and therefore does not attract many tourists. Those who do visit the town are either merely city comers using their fathers cottage as a weekend getaway, or deer hunters profiting from the abundant wild life. The only successful local man is Gordon LaRiviere who owns a well drilling company and who employs Wade and many other men of this town. Affliction is set in a winter scenery and throughout the book the weather is gloomy the sky clear as black glass(6), Winter approachesarriving with such ferocity and stunning relentlessness of purpose that you could give yourself over to it completely and at once and is a reflection of the attitudes possessed by the characters. Secondly we must discuss Wades family background. His father is a severe alcoholic who regularly abused each family member. Once under the spell of the alcohol he becomes extremely violent and cannot control his anger. His mother although very loving could not protect the children for she...
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