An Analysis of the Decision Making Process pf Jennifer on Her Multiple Options for Spending the Extra $2,000,000 in Revenue Essay

The case study described a situation that many managers inevitably face. That is, how to divide limited resources to maximize their value within the company. Of course, dealing with such a large company, Jennifer has multiple options for spending the extra 2,000,000 in revenue. The following essay will examine how Jennifer should make this decision, what additional information she should collect, what she should require in the proposals from the others, and what Jennifer should ultimately do with the extra money. Decision MakingIn making this decision, Jennifer must really consider how valuable she can make this 2,000,000 within the organization itself. The money should be spent in a way that maximizes profits, minimizes costs, or ensures the longevity of the organization itself. It seems that all proposals from the various upper level managers have some clear benefit to the organization. Thus, she must weight the costs of each option with the proposed benefits, determining which projects are the most valuable to the company. She should then prioritize these options based on this cost-benefit analysis. Additional InformationIn terms of additional information that must be collected by Jennifer, she should collect additional data relevant to each idea. For instance, Joes suggestion to hire more sales staff is contingent on the belief that more sales staff in other countries would mean more sales. Jennifer should gather information on the market for their pharmaceuticals in these other countries to determine whether or not the market is receptive to their products. Similarly, Jennifer should gather information relative to Julies suggestion to determine if competitors are, in fact, developing a similar drug, and if this drug would be critical to long term success in the future of the industry. ProposalsEach manager should submit a request for proposal to the relevant parties to determine the full cost, scope, and schedule for each idea. Some of the options suggested would not require the entirety of the 2 million. Some of them could even...
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