An Analysis of a Movie about Dorothy Dandridge Starring Halle Berry Essay

The troubled life of Dorothy Dandridge, the first African-Americanwoman to garner an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress (for CARMENJONES) is dramatized in this fine made-for-HBO film from director Coolidge(RAMBLING ROSE). Gorgeous Berry shines as Dandridge in a role she seemsborn to play. Dandridge's close relationship with her manager (Spiner) isexamined, as is her affair with director Otto Preminger, along with herfirst marriage to dancer Harold Nicholas, with whom she gave birth to amentally disabled daughter. Aside from her personal struggles, the filmalso demonstrates the rampant racism of 1950's Hollywood which she had toendure throughout her short career.This movie set out to do a couple things in my opinion, one toeducate audiences of the struggles blacks had to go through in theentertainment industry, two to introduce above all else a amazing woman(Dorthy Dandridge), and two to spark interest in Black history. I think bybringing up some of the struggles black actors had to go through such asthe only parts being maids, not being able to use restrooms in places theywere performing, or just the fact of the constant battle with prejudicegives the new generations more respect and appreciation for where they areand the people who made it possible. The struggles that Dorthy had to gthrough such as the scene where they drained the pool since she touched itamazed me. I couldnt imagine having to perform under conditions that Icouldnt use the facilities around me in the hotel I was staying. Theembarrassment that went along with the pool being drained must have beenenormous. Yet, through her anger she kept her head high and still performed.This film made it possible in world where I found out in our firstassignment to find information on early black artist is almost impossibleto introduce and educate about one the most amazing women of our times. Sheconquered, she inspired and she truly lived her life. She was amazingperson that happened to be a woman , a black woman, and was constantlybeing reminded....


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