Account of the Air Commerce Act of 1926 Essay

AIR COMMERCE ACT OF 1926The Events That Resulted in the Signing of The Air Commerce Act of 1926 was the start of the regulation of aviation. It has been called the beginning of the Federal Aviation Administration. This Act put gave the Department of Commerces Aeronautic Branch the responsibility to certify pilots and aircraft and make initial rules for the new industry (Boeing 2002). This was an important step in the regulation of aviation because it made the United States acknowledge the potential of air commerce.In the beginning of the century aviation was not controlled. Anyone who had the means to get in an airplane could fly it. This time was a dangerous time in aviation because there were many accidents due to lack of experience. At that particular time, aircrafts didnt have the capabilities to make extended flights, and the high death toll resulted in skepticism that airplanes were too dangerous and would never progress to become a thriving source of travel or income. This high accident rate made aviation enthusiasts lobby for regulation to further progress this industry safely.On August 12 1918 the Post Office began transporting mail by air. The Post Office was the first to regulate their pilots because they saw the importance of regulating merely for efficiency purposes. The Post Office required that all of their pilots were to have at least 500 flying hours, to pass a qualification exam, and to pass periodical medical exams (Adamski and Doyle 1999). The Post Office didnt stop at that they also examined the aircraft their pilots flew. Trained mechanics would perform a 180-point inspection after every flight. An engine inspection was required every 100 hours of flying time and an airframe inspection was required every 750 hours. Between 1922 and 1925, the Post Office flew approximately 8 million miles with a safety record of one fatality every 789,000 miles (Adamski et al). To break it down even further they went from one...
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