An Analysis of Approaching Poetry: Perspectives and Responses by Peter Schakel and Jack Ridl Essay

Peter Schakel and Jack RidlHere the irony is not that the poem advocates suicide but says the opposite. The ironylies in indirection, as it offers unexpected and ultimately despairing reasons foravoiding suicide and continuing to live, and in the ambiguity of the title the word resume,without accents, means to "go on again, after an interruption to continue," allof which is appropriate to the poem. Resume, with accents, means a"summary," particularly "a brief account of personal qualifications andexperience," as if the poem summarizes the speaker's experiences and qualificationsin this area (the speaker has tried them all and knows!). Irony can entail humor --as in the title and development of this poem often there is a serious edge to or pointbehind the humor. From Peter Schakel and Jack Ridl, Approaching Poetry Perspectives and Responses. New York St. Martin's Press, 1997.Marion Meade Meade offers a biographical reading of "Resume," linking it to one of Parker's suicide attempts while she was under the care of Dr. Alvan Barach, a New York cardiologist and psychotherapist.As before, she tried to make light of her impulse to self-destruction, although thistime psychiatric treatment made it harder to accomplish. In verse, she compiled aconsumer's report for those contemplating suicide and rated the various methods of killingone's self Razors, as she knew from experience, were painful, and drugs caused vomitingand cramps. Other methods she had not actually tested had to be dismissed on hearsay ashopelessly unreliable Given the inadequacy of what was available to an aspiring suicide,Dorothy figured she might as well go on living. When "Resume" was published inThe Conning Tower F. P. A.'s column in the New York World newspaper, some peopleadmired the way she had transformed a near-fatal experience into dark humor. As might beexpected, Dr. Barach was not among them. From Marion Meade, Dorothy Parker What Fresh Hell Is This?. New York Villard Books, 1988. 161-162.Gloria SteinemIt's a wonderful statement, I think, of her struggle to celebrate life...
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