An Analysis of a Young Woman's Struggle with Autism in Temple Grandin by Mike Jackson Essay
Temple Grandin ReviewMike Jacksons Temple Grandin is a biopic starring Claire Danes and Julia Ormond. It is about a young womans struggle with autism and how she overcomes all the challenges she deals with in her everyday life. In the movie, Temple tells people, I am different, not less (Temple Grandin, 2010), which is the main theme that runs throughout the movie. The film reveals the complexity of autism and why it is so difficult for people to understand the minds and actions of the autistic. The characters in the movie that tried to help or cure Temple were the ones hurting her, but the ones that tried to understand her found that they could actually learn from her about how she sees the world. Temple had a love for animals because her autism helped her understand the way they think and she was able to relate to animals more than she could relate to people. When she was at her aunts cattle farm, she saw the machine they used to give the cows their vaccines and created her own squeeze machine modeled after the squeeze chute used on the farm. It helped her calm down when she was upset or anxious because it gave her the same deep-pressure release a hug would accomplish. In many ways, Temple Grandin reminded me of Forrest Gump. Both movies showed us how disabilities do not limit what you are able to do in life. Temple and Forrest teach us how a disability may help you with what you want to achieve. In Temple Grandin, Temple uses her autism to understand what the cows see when they are walking in the cattle chute. Forrest in Forrest Gump overcame the challenges in life caused by his unnamed mental disability by always having a unique and positive outlook on the world and always doing the right thing for others and himself. They both are strong characters and take us through...
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