Advertising Strategies of Potato Chip Companies Essay

Advertisements have evolved over the years, so that they might appeal to all our senses. Many of the advertisements this generation tend to play off our emotions. We as consumers soon feel the need to buy the products, and hope they work as intended. Advertisement is crucial because it could either make or break the company. If the consumers feel nothing for the commercial, or they do not like the commercial they would not buy their products. So why would do chip commercials make the people who like their product act like idiots? The only chip commercial I liked was Sun Chips. Sun Chips commercials are so enjoyable to watch because they add a natural setting and dont have to rely on cheap and funny tricks that other chip commercials do. The typical Lays or Doritos chip ad starts with someone who has the chips, and another person who would do anything for the chips. The person who has the chips is reluctant to give their chips, and the person who wants their chips do ridiculous stunts to acquire the chips. Doritos commercials have their actors launch babies from swing sets to get their Doritos. Lays has their actors doing anything for a small child for some lays. Stating that, You cant have just one. I dont understand how these commercials make me want to eat their chips. What am I supposed to take from these commercials? If I eat their chips Ill get addicted and start doing stupid and dangerous acts for them? Unlike its competition, Sun Chip commercials take a different route. They place their actors in natural areas, for example parks, and have people try their products and put their reactions in the commercial. The people who try the chips are shown being happy and getting pleasure from the snack they were just given. Not only does this show that people actually enjoy their products, but they also provide relatable situations...


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