Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other Essay

In the book, Alone Together Why We Expect More From Technology andLess From Each Other'', Sherry Turkle focuses on how drastically oursociety is beginning to change with the progression of technology andthe introduction of artificial intelligence. The evolution of technologyhas allowed society to be able to do anything from anywhere and withanyone. Although the current generation has developed the new versionsof technology, the reliance society now has on technology is beginningto shape the way the population lives. Turkle makes a valid point thatsociety prefers to treat inanimate machines as humans and treat eachother as if they are robots, but she has been short sighted in the factthat society is ever changing and with artificial intelligence becomingmore accepted, this may be the new standard. Technology has allowedpeople to fill a void by permitting them to be alone, yet having theirpeers at their fingertips. The current definitions of humanity'' andrelationships'' may have to change in the near future based on ourinteractions with technology. It is clear from the start of Turkle's book that she wants to inform thereader of how technology truly affects their lives, fromTomogatchi's'' to smartphones. Children grow up using toys withartificial intelligence such as My Real Baby'' and Furby'' so theyare accustomed to robots from a young age. Alone Together'' gives thereader an insight of what technology may look like in the near future,allowing them to use this knowledge to get prepared. Turkle divides thebook into two parts, with chapters in each part and differentsubheadings. Each chapter focuses on a different type of robot ortechnology. The tone of the book comes across as both personal anacademic. The book is personalized with the author's experiences withartificial intelligence and technology as well as her experiments. Theacademic tone comes in when Turkle talks about her work at MIT and herprevious schooling. As a result of Turkle being a technology and societyspecialist at MIT, she includes real life observations and quotationsfrom various people...
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