A Company Analysis of AT&T's Marketing Structure and Business Strategies Essay

In order to ensure the success of any organization, it is necessaryfor the organization to understand fully the market in which they operate.This not only includes understanding their consumers' preferences and theirtarget market's behavior, but also their competition. There are many stepsto performing a full competitive analysis, but an accurate analysis isinvaluable to any organization, particularly ones in extremely competitiveindustries. One of the first steps in performing a competitive analysis isto determine the market structure. The market structure indicates thenumber of competitors and type of competition that is present. Thefollowing essay will analyze the company ATT in terms of its marketstructure and competitive strategies that should be carried out to maximizetheir success given the market structure. Industry and Market Structure The company ATT is a long-standing organization providing cell phoneservice to people all over the world. While their headquarters and much oftheir focus remains in the United States, ATT also has a regional base inHong Kong and serves a great deal of the Asia Pacific. The company iscurrently the largest provider of cell phone and fixed phone service in theUnited States, having more American customers than any other company.(Hendricks, 2011) The cell phone service provider industry has gained immensepopularity over the last two decades along with the technologicaladvancements paving the way for widespread cell phone usage. As such, thereare a number of carriers in this industry, all marked by fierce competitionand cutthroat tactics. As it stands right now, however, there are twocompanies dominating the market. One is ATT, the other Verizon.(Hendricks, 2011) These two companies have continued to grow over theyears, buying out many smaller competitors in the process. It seems thatthese two companies have become so powerful and large that otherorganizations that have not been...
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