An Analysis of a Monologue from Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie Using Six Guideposts Essay

Our final reading was The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. From this text we were instructed to choose a monologue for our finale presentation. I chose a monologue for James D. O'Connor (Jim) a man who works with Tom our main protagonist. Toms sister went to the same high school as Jim. But, Jim doesnt remember Laura until she says something to him about it. Do you still sing? The story is made more dynamic by the fact that Jim was meant to be a Gentleman Caller for Laura. Tom never told Jim that when he invited him over for dinner. The story is made more interesting by the crazy and comical way Tom and Lauras mother Amanda prepares for the evening. She makes a fancy dinner and complains about not having time to buy new furniture. She purchases items that the family can hardly afford on only Toms wages. Their father left years earlier, leaving the family to fend for themselves while he traveled the world. Over all this has been my favorite play that weve read this semester. The concept that the father left in its own right is sad but when Tom fallows in his footsteps it becomes tragic. Its heartbreaking to see this memory that Tom has of his sister and Mother progress into such an unhappy ending. The fact that the ending of this memory play isnt happy makes it even more real. The text is relatable, Toms selfishness is justified by our own subconscious, what would we each do if put in his situation. Toms Memory is the main focus of the play and also his character is the most appealing to me. However I chose to challenge myself with one of Jims monologues. In this paper I will analyse the text using six of the twelve guideposts we used in class as they relate to Jims Character and the way Ive chosen to play him. The first guidepost...
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