An Analysis and a Definition of Querencia Essay

QuerenciaWhen I think of the place that I am most comfortable, relaxed, and in my element I think of the Great Outdoors. I really like being out in the woods or on some trail just being part of nature. When I am outdoors I have a feeling of oneness with nature a feeling that I can not get anywhere else. Oneness with nature I think is one of the most important things that people need these days, to get away from everyday life and just get out away from computers, cell phones, cars and all of the other everyday luxuries that we always take for granted. When you go out on a hike, or Alpine, and Nordic skiing you get a feeling of being one with nature. As you experience the solitude it helps you to appreciate the simple things in life and realize that nature was the beginning of it all. When the first people came to America they did not have trains, cars, and airplanes. They did not have the luxury of phones or modern housing, or furniture they lived off the land and made their houses from logs and carried their messages by horse. As a society I think that we take nature for granted and we do not see the things that nature brings like clean air, or fresh water, or food. When I am outdoors I get that special feeling of solitude and it really helps me to sort things out, to just sit down and think. When I go out to camp in some secluded place and live off the land and live the simple easy life cooking over a fire and boiling my water I am in my qurencia and I can think and sit and rest from the hectic world around me. Just me and nature one on one working together like our ancestors of old. Solitude is one of the most important things to me and...
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