A Business Report on Aquamarine Farms LTD, a Corporation in the Fish Farming Sector Essay

The fish farming sector has seen an upward lift in profits. This profitability has attracted a large number of people. The reason behind such a huge rise upward is that there exist large corporations conducting deep sea fishing. This makes deep sea fishing for other individuals difficult. The financial needs and the competition are too much to counter and still make a good gross profit. Deep sea fishing requires extensive and complicated machinery and equipment. This makes it quite cumbersome to manage. Flocking in this industry has made it undesirable also. To go into fishing as a small scale fisherman is not only unprofitable but also but also quite competitive. There exist a large number of small sale fishermen in the worlds seas, lakes and oceans (Shepherd, 2011).Fish farming is a concept of aquaculture and is also called piciculture. It involves the processes of raising fish commercially in enclosed areas. The most common type of fish raised in fish farming includescarp, salmon, catfish and cod. Fish farming offers an alternative source for fish and fish protein. Mainly there exist three methods of fish farming. These include fresh water farming, marine farming and brackish water farming. Fresh water farming, this is done in ponds, pens and cages. A second one is the marine water farming mainly done in cages. Then the brackish water fish farming done in pond water located in coastal areas. Success of the farm depends on the management of the investment. This includes how the farm is run. The other factor that is involved in this is the business support received from the government. Such support is usually very high in countries not having a coast that is landlocked countries. Such countries receive high government support so as to take care of marine products needs in the domestic market. The other reason highly...
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