A Company Analysis of Vandelay, Its Advertising and Promotional Strategies Essay

While people often use the terms marketing and advertisingsynonymously, the fact is that the two business areas are separate anddistinct from one another. Numerous studies have shown that advertising isa very effective tool for increasing a company's profitability. (Felton,2006) However, even the best advertisements may be a waste of resources ifthey are not backed by a comprehensive and well-thought out marketing plan.The Vandelay Company has explored all areas of marketing in regards totheir new product line, and it is now time to start an advertising campaignthat aligns with their marketing efforts. The following paper will look atVandelay's advertising, how its success will be measured, other promotionalstrategies, and how consumer gaps in expectation and performance will beidentified and responded to. Advertising Strategy The company's advertising strategy based on the marketing goalsdiscussed previously will be very specific. Namely, the advertisingstrategy will seek to differentiate Vandelay's products from thecompetitors' in the consumer's mind. This differentiation strategy willhighlight the benefits of the easy-to-use laptops, focusing on many of itsmain differences. The advertising strategy will also incorporate many ofthe similarities that the product shares with other top-of-the-linelaptops, in order to position the brand in the consumer's perceptions aswell as demand a comparison with other high quality laptops. There will bedifferent television advertisements shown in various timeslots to reachdifferent market segments. Vandelay will largely focus on placingadvertisements in slots that are likely to reach the older population whowould most benefit from this technology. The advertisement will not beoverly technical, instead explaining the product's benefits in plainEnglish so that one who is unfamiliar with technology would be able toeasily understand the product's features. Other television advertisementswill be slotted to reach early adopters of the technology. Theseadvertisements will in fact use technical terms and will...


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