An Overview of the Innovative Idea and Business Strategies of Selling iPads in the Market Essay

Introduction A number of businesses have currently put much focus in the sale ofSmartphone and other electronics due to their high demand. For instance,the trade in selling iPads dominates the current market structure.Therefore, to capture a wider market and customers effectively, it would benecessary for an organization to come up with an innovative idea that willbe unique to the customers in the market. The paper provides a briefdescription of an innovative idea that would ensure that the sale of iPadsis high despite stiff competition in the market. It also establishes abusiness structure that would be more suitable for this business venture.An outline of the steps in the entrepreneurial process is discussedcomprehensively. The process is important during the initiation stage of abusiness venture. Action plan is also created to illustrate how to surmountthe foreseen obstacles to the venture's success. Description of the innovative idea The proposed business venture is mainly to focus on disruptioninnovation. This term majorly illustrate advancements that can develop aproduct in a manner that is not anticipated in the market. This businessventure is bound to facilitate detailed re-assembling of iPads to producelasting and high quality products. The innovation will first come up with adesign for various customers in the market. After the creation of thedesign, the price of the iPad is to be reduced in the existing market.Through reducing price, the company will retain and acquire additionalcustomers (Moye, 2004, p. 12). A number of customers always prefer productsretailing at lower prices hence this will present a viable opportunity forthis business to obtain more customers and dominate the highly competitivemarket. For instance, cheap iPads will be sold to low and middle classcustomers while highly priced iPads will be supplied to the high-classcustomers. The other innovative idea is the provision of long-term hire andleasing of...
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