An Analysis of Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol Essay

Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol. At first glance, it seems that the author is going to take us on yet another journalistic ride through the land of the poor. Similar to the ones you read about, or hear in the news. However, this is not the case the real underlying theme is what is society doing about the plight of the poor? Kozol uses the views of children to emphasize that these reports on living conditions are not being obtained by disgruntled adults, but from innocent children whose only misfortune was being born to this particular area. The author takes us from the seventh richest congressional district in the nation (being E 59th Street in New York City) to the poorest in the nation. A mere eighteen-minute ride by subway to the South Bronx, to a little place called Mott Haven where the median family income for the 48000 residents is only 7,600. An area known for crack-cocaine and heroin prostitution poor hospital care, where one-quarter of new mothers tested in obstetric wards are HIV positive and the police say is the deadliest precinct in the city. Kozol writes about the trials and tribulations of everyday normal life for the children and people who live here. Normal for them however is quite different than it is for most of us. Living with drug dealers, pollution, poor hospital care and an abominable education system not to mention the social system of the city, is the norm for these children. In his interviews with the children of this squalid neighborhood, we find that the children speak honestly and freely about their feelings. Forgotten, hidden, abandoned, are just some of the words that come to mind. One boy named Malcolm X wears his hair in a style referred to as 25 years to life. His sister asks Like in prison..? This is how you want to wear your hair? His reply You dont have to be in...
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