An Insight in the Strategies of Conflict Resolution in Business Essay

Although completely aware each person I have encountered was unique and handled conflict differently, I had never considered that there are different styles of conflict nor have I considered what mine may be. After reading Style Matters (1) by Ron Kraybill, PhD. I now have a better understanding of not only my styles of conflict but also strategies to effectively deal with styles of others. This is such an important skill to have personally as well as professionally and it is unfortunate that it is not taught early in life. I appreciate that I will now be able to make conscious choices to respond to others and understand what my strengths and weaknesses are so I can become more successful when dealing with conflict.The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory (2) found my top two strategies in a Calm setting as being Cooperative and Compromising. Surprisingly, it categorized the same two strategies a Storm setting. It gave me a 3 for the Storm Shift. I would agree with the inventory that I am more apt to be Cooperative and Compromising than I am Avoiding especially in a Calm setting however, I would not have guessed that I use the same strategies in a Storm setting, I was sure it would find me to be more Directive. The relatively low number of 3 for the Storm Shift is also a surprise because I have always seen myself as someone to quickly lose my patience and direct the conflict in the way that would most benefit my point of view and not be too concerned with the relationship. Following my top two styles in a Calm setting, my styles were shown to be Harmonizing, Avoiding then Directing in descending order. I thought Directing would be rated above Harmonizing but especially above Avoiding. I have never seen myself as a person that avoided in any situation let alone in conflict....
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